Write about creating a website that has available books

Assignment Help Web Project
Reference no: EM13662413

Write about creating a website that has available books and video games -

Motivation: statements describing the problems that have motivated the project. The mots arm for a project can be some problem in society, some technical limitations of some systems or simply some interesting scientific (theoretical) topic or some combinations of these.

Objectives: definition of the final goals to be achieved in the project. Ultimately, the project aims at solving (some of the) problems that have motivated the project. The project proposal should make a first attempt to delimit these problems, by formulating objectives that are not too trivial but not too ambitious either.

The milestones: The milestones section provides a work plan for carrying out the project. This is a schedule for getting the project done.

Thesis (report) organization: This section contains a brief explanation on how to organize your thesis, and what to put in it..

literature review: Show background about all previous work have been down, describe it, and say how you're extending it. What are the new

Methodology: The methodology describes the project design. This can be achieved by drawing a diagram or flowchart. Then. briefly explain the implementation plan including which software going to use.


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Reference no: EM13662413

Questions Cloud

Obtain the magnitude of the average velocity of the car : A vehicle starts from C, goes 50 kilometer in a straight line to D, immediately turns around and returns to C. Find the magnitude of the average velocity of the car for this round trip
Find the maximum magnitude of charge that can be placed : A parallel plate capacitor has a capacitance of Co = 5.40 pF when there is air between the plates. Find the maximum magnitude of charge that can be placed on every plate if the electric field in the region between the plates is not to exceed 3.00×1..
Find how much time is required to reach this height : A stone is thrown vertically upward with a speed of 24.0 m/s. Find how much time is required to reach this height
Find what is the magnitude of the acceleration of the car : A car initially at rest, travels 20 meter in 4 second along a straight line with constant acceleration. Compute the magnitude of the acceleration of the car
Write about creating a website that has available books : Write about creating a website that has available books and video games - definition of the final goals to be achieved in the project. Ultimately, the project aims at solving (some of the) problems that have motivated the project.
How the astronaut can still use it to return to ship : An astronaut on a space walk discovers that his jet pack no longer works, leaving him stranded 40 meter from the spaceship. describe how the astronaut can still use it to return to the ship
Find what force does the ground exerts on her : If the parachutist comes to rest with fix acceleration over a distance of 0.660 meter, find what force does the ground exerts on her
Evaluate the friction force impeding its motion : A 20.0 kilogram parcel slides down a 34.0 degree incline and accelerates at 0.273 m/s2. Calculate the friction force impeding its motion
Find the time of flight for the ball in their experiment : A group of physics students are conducting an experiment in projectile motion. They want to launch a ball into a bucket that is 8 meter away from their spring loaded launcher. Find the time of flight for the ball in their experiment


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