Reference no: EM13871927
You will write a five (5) page paper on one of the places we studied this semester. Your paper will focus on one part of that society during one time period.
For example, you may write about Classical Greek Philosophy, or Ancient Chinese Oracle Bones and Divination, or the Development of the Egyptian Pyramids, Mummification in Egypt during the Ancient Age, or The Development of Buddhism in India. I will not take a general paper along the lines of "A General History of China," or "A General History of Rome." I want something narrow in focus because the paper is so short.
Format: The paper should be double-spaced, use 12 point font, have one-inch margins, and include in text citations (MLA, Chicago, or APA), footnotes, or endnotes. This is a research paper based on work conducted online or on campus. If you use online sources, .edu, .org, or works from online academic journals are acceptable. No encyclopedias may be used (online or from the library). Wikipedia is not an acceptable source of anything other than images (which must be cited and do not count as part of your page total).
Late papers will be marked down 10 points per calendar day and will not be accepted after the 3rd day. Any paper with "borrowed" with information taken from another source without proper citation, any purchased, or borrowed paper, or any paper not written by the person claiming to have written it, will immediately receive a zero with no opportunity for a make-up paper.
Citations: Help with citation styles
Criteria for Evaluation of Papers: Your papers will be evaluated in light of the criteria below. Papers that fulfill these criteria in an exceptional way will be awarded As; essays that do so in an excellent way, Bs; and essays that meet the criteria at a satisfactory level, Cs. Essays that do not fulfill the criteria at a satisfactory level will be awarded Ds and Fs, depending on the severity of the problems.
Organization. The paper is well organized. It contains a clear line of thought and if applicable argument, and each paragraph logically contributes to the development of that line of thought.
Understanding. The paper exhibits a thorough understanding of and engagement with the topic and accurately explicates its author's understanding of the reading.
Critical Thinking/or Criticism. The paper displays critical thinking skills, analyzes the material, or takes a critical stance toward the material under examination. The writing is based on firm reasoning that is well supported with relevant evidence from the readings.
Connections. The paper makes connections between readings, location, and the modern world or knowledge gained from experiences or other readings/classes.
Sources. The sources are well chosen and academically sound.
Format. The paper is flawlessly presented, with no spelling or grammar errors. Citations are included. The paper is a minimum of five (5) pages in length not including any works cited page or images.