Reference no: EM132055351
Canicula : Snapshots of a Grilhood en la Frontera
You need a 250 words about Canicula Book from your own words and a reply what you think about this flowing text is it right that it was mentioned in the book and about 150 word for the reply should be fine.
(Must include a story from the book and say your opinion)
Reading "Canicula," I really enjoyed and could relate to the stories. Personally for me, reading the stories and looking at the pictures was like going back in time to my childhood memories.
Being Mexican-American, we have traditions and they keep going and going until that one "person," in the family that holds it together (could be grandma, grandpa, an aunt, uncle, sister or brother) leaves this world changes things for either the good or the bad, and things just change for families.Nowadays a lot of Mexican-Americans, don't understand our culture or where our ancestors came from.
On reading this book I felt that Bueli, was the backbone for Nena and her family. No matter what Bueli always knew what to say, fix something when it was broken or torn, she was the one that kept it all together for Nena.
Nena could go to her and all her problems would disappear and all was better. The story "Bueli," she's describing the picture and the rocking chair she used to put everyone to sleep and how she's sees her Bueli, (the night they buried her) on her rocking chair living room. Nena hears her Bueli, tell her "Cuida la nina."
Even in death we hope to see or hear our loved ones, one last time in hopes that they tell us something to look forward too. It's hard but for me personally the backbone for my family was my grandmother (welita), and she's no longer here...what I would do to have one more conversation with her. But also, I feel that as a family we have each gone our separate ways, and all I have now is pictures and memories that will always stay with me.