Reference no: EM131916957 , Length: word count:1000
Scientific Writing Assignment (Membrane Permeability)
Title including Beta vulgaris and membrane permeability.
INSTRUCTIONS: Use these instructions to write your Scientific Writing Assignment
The following headings should be used to structure your Scientific Writing Assignment. The total document should be around 900-1000 words. Each heading includes a guide on how many words should be included in the section. This will help you decide how much information should be included. It is recommended that you use this document in conjunction with the relevant feedback rubric to write your assignment.
The title of the assignment outlines the experimental aim. The title is descriptive i.e. describes the experiment.
INTRODUCTION (approximately 250 words)
The introduction includes relevant background information that is required to understand the results. Link between the background information and the research aims is clearly described. The aims of the research are outlined. A brief explanation of how the aims were achieved is included. The hypothesis is clearly stated. Two references are included. At least one reference is peer- reviewed.
METHODS (approximately 200 words)
The methods section includes a brief outline of all methods used with reference to the topic manual. Control and experimental variables are clearly described. Any amendments to the protocols are indicated. This section is written in continuous text and in the past tense. This section is not written in dot points or numbered.
RESULTS (text-approximately 150 words)
The results section is made up of both a statement of results written in past tense and data in figures and tables. The statement of results should be a description of all of the figures and tables included in the assignment. The overall trend of the data should be described. Only summary data should be described and be included in figures and tables.
All figures and tables should be referenced within the text section where appropriate. For example: The observed difference between the control and experimental data was 0.02 AU (Table 1). The data in figures and tables should follow the text.
Each table should have: a descriptive title above the table and be numbered. A table legend should be included with additional information required to understand the table. The legend sits below the table title. Table should have appropriate column and row headings. Units should be indicated. Each figure should have: a descriptive title below the figure and be numbered. No title should appear directly on the figure e.g. the title automatically generated by Excel that appears on the figure should be removed. Axes should be labeled. Units should be indicated. A figure legend should be included with additional information required to understand the figure (for example, description of symbols or colours used in the figure). The legend sits below the figure title. An example figure and table can be found in any textbook or the topic manual.
DISCUSSION (approximately 300 words)
The discussion includes an overall statement of the experimental aims. The hypothesis is readdressed. A statement of whether the hypothesis was supported or rejected is included. The results are interpreted in respect to the hypothesis. A concise explanation of whether the results were expected based on previous research is included. At least one peer reviewed reference is cited. Limitations of study are briefly discussed in context of how they impact experimental results. Strategies to overcome limitations are discussed.
CONCLUSION (approximately 100 words)
The conclusion includes a concise summary of the key results. A brief statement of how the research could be used outside of the teaching laboratory is included with reference to the literature. How could your results be used to solve a biological problem in a research laboratory or industry setting?
REFERENCES (Harvard Style)
At least four references are cited correctly. At least two of these references should be peer reviewed. All listed references are cited in text. All references are correctly referenced.
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