Reference no: EM13792955
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
FIRST Scores THEN Score NOW Scores
1. Accepting personal responsibility ____8_____ ____8_____ ____9_____
2. Discovering self-motivation ____9_____ ____9_____ ___8______
3. Mastering self-management ___8______ ____7_____ ____7_____
4. Employing interdependence ____7_____ ____8_____ ___8_____
5. Gaining self-awareness ___5______ ___6______ ___7______
6. Adopting lifelong learning ____4_____ __3______ __3_______
7. Developing emotional intelligence ___3______ __4_______ ___4______
8. Believing in myself ____7_____ ___7_____ ___7______
2. Compare your scores in Column 1 (FIRST Scores) with your scores in Column 2 (THEN Scores). Since both scores are supposed to represent how you were at the beginning of the course, you might expect them to be the same . . . but often they are different. In what areas are your FIRST scores and THEN scores different? Why do you suppose there is a difference? For example, if one of your eight scores went down, consider that this result may not indicate that you became less effective; rather, it may indicate that you are now more honest with yourself or more aware of what is necessary to excel in this area.
3. Compare your FIRST and THEN (Columns 1 & 2) scores with your NOW (Column 3) scores. Write about the area(s) in which you have raised your scores the most. Remember to answer questions that a thoughtful reader would have about what you are writing. Dive deep by using the 4E's (examples, explanations, experiences, and evidence)!
4. Write about the area(s) in which you most want to continue improving. Remember the saying "If you keep doing what you've been doing, you'll keep getting what you've been getting." With this idea in mind, identify the specific changes you'd like to make in your behaviors, thoughts, emotions, and beliefs in the months and years to come. Dive deep.
5. Write one last entry in which you sum up the most important discoveries you have made about yourself while keeping your journal.
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