Write about a time that someone provided you with an example

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM13973822

We have discussed ways that illustrations can help to convey a point or to exemplify an idea that a writer is trying to communicate. No doubt, you find yourself in situations all the time in which you must use illustrations. Think about a time when you conveyed a point to someone-a friend, relative, coworker, or colleague-and used an exceptionally apt illustration to drive home a point. You can also write about a time that someone provided you with an enlightening example that crystalized an idea for you. You might also choose to write about how you use illustrations in your daily life.

Do you use illustrations to teach others? How have you used examples to win an argument, teach your child a difficult lesson, or to explain a problem? In what ways are illustrations a part of your daily interactions with others?

Your response should be at least 300 words and should follow APA format. No references or citations are necessary.

Reference no: EM13973822

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