Reference no: EM132253419
Purpose - To develop skills in applying course knowledge to life experience.
Description - In this paper you are required to write about a CSL experience or LRL reading, using specific theories and/or concepts you learned in the course. You will need to effectively balance course materials with CSL/LRL material, organize your paper, and use APA format.
Instructions - In our course, two assignments give you the opportunity to apply concepts from the course to either a CSL experience or an LRL reading. For each paper, a broad topic will be assigned. Your paper should contain a more focused discussion within this broad topic, drawing on course concepts from your notes, classroom experiences, the textbook, and any assigned readings. While it is not necessary to cover all course content related to the topic, your paper should contain enough course content to be of academic substance, and the course content you choose should be related to a single overarching theme. Do not structure your paper as a book review, personal journal-style reflection, or research paper. Do attend class to find out more about requirements for this paper and to view sample work.
The-essential aspects of a well-written application of concepts paper are:-
- A clear purpose statement or thesis.
- An overriding organizational structure or plan. This includes choosing a single theme for your paper (your theme can still include subtopics or touch on several concepts). It also includes providing clear support for your purpose or thesis throughout your paper.
- Use of CSL or LRL examples to illustrate course content. Well-written papers typically have a 50/50 balance of course concepts (and related explanations) and illustrations from CSL or LRL. There have been successful exceptions, but this is a recommended starting point.
- Good construction at the sentence, paragraph, and essay level.
- Mastery of APA style, including but not limited to: title page, running head, headings, page numbers, and whether citations and references are sufficient and correctly formatted.
Genova, Lisa. (2009). Still Alice. New York: Pocket Books.
The progression of dementia in a career-oriented woman, told from her own perspective (fiction)
Albom, Mitch. (1997). Tuesdays with Morrie: An old man, a young man, and life's greatest lesson. New York: Broadway Books.
The story of a man's friendship with an older mentor who is approaching death (non-fiction).
Kay, Terry. (1990). To Dance with the White Dogs. New York: Pocket Books.
The events in an older man's life following the death of his wife, including family tensions (fiction).
Instructions: Your assigned paper topics will be broad, and you must narrow them to an appropriate scope. More instructions about how to do this will be provided in class. The topic you choose for your first paper should fall within the classroom or textbook content associated with Chapter 6 or Chapter 7 (both chapters are about cognitive functions and cognitive changes associated with aging). If you choose to focus on Chapter 7, you might also find it helpful to include some of the content related to extensions of Piaget, which were covered in the classroom when we reviewed developmental theory (Chapter 2), but this is not mandatory, and whether it is advantageous depends on your topic. Your paper should be about one major theme. Don't try to cover all of Chapter 6 or 7 in one paper.
In the "applications of concepts paper" there is a list which says "title" and "topic" the writer has to choose one of those title and besides that a topic and write the paper using that title and topic with one of chapter 6 or 7.
Textbook - Adult Development and Aging: Biopsychosocial Perspectives, Canadian Edition by: Susan Krauss Whitbourne; Stacey B. Whitbourne; Candace Konnert. Publisher: Wiley; Edition 1CE. ISBN: 9781119045427.
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