Reference no: EM131403492
Assignment 1
Respond thoughtfully and critically to the reflection prompt below in a minimum of 1 page 250 words (typed/double spaced/1-inch margins/12-pt font). You may either cut and paste into the submission box or attach your reflection as a file.
View the video clip "Eric Thomas on Success"(below). Share your thoughts on this video. Do you agree or disagree with his point of view? Think about your inner self-talk and how that influences your behavior, both positive and negative, when it comes to achievement it college and in life. Are there any changes that you need to make in your attitude and/or behavior that could help you become more successful?
Video link
Write a visualization of the exact moment in the future when you become the kind of student your want to be. Describe the scene as if it's happening to you right now. (For tips on how to visualize, see textbook pages 89-90)
For example, if your desire is to earn A's in all your classes, you might write:
I click the link to "My Grades" in CougarWeb, and I am not surprised at what I see. I worked hard this semester, and I am proud of my accomplishments. Even though the classes were not easy, I never gave up. I made college my number 1 priority, and it shows in my 4.0 G.P.A. My friends tried to distract me, but I stayed focused. I proved to everyone, including myself, that I am capable of earning straight A's. I have high expectations for my future. In a few semesters, I will be dressed in a long, blue robe, the tassel of my graduation cap tickling my face. I look out over the thousands of people in the auditorium and spot my family with huge smiles on their faces. I hear the announcer call my name. I feel a rush of adrenaline and chills on my back as I step on stage. I see the college president smiling, reaching his hand out to congratulate me.
Assignment 2
Review the material in Chapter 2 on Victim vs. Creator mindset and self-talk. On pages 55 of the textbook, you will find 10 statements in Victim language (bottom of page). Your task is to translate each of those statements into the words of a Creator. You do not have to re-write the victim statements, only the corresponding NUMBER followed by your translated CREATOR statement. Remember that the two keys of creator language are taking ownership of the problem and taking positive actions to solve it.
After completing the list, write a paragraph answering the following questions: Is your habit to speak as a Victim or as a Creator? Do you find yourself more inclined to blame yourself, blame others or seek solutions? Give examples, and include strategies for eliminating Victim language if that is your habit.
Submit your list of 10 Creator Statements and your paragraph as a file attachment or by pasting into the submission box below.
Attachment:- Instruction.rar