Write a vision statement for the system listing problem

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Reference no: EM132013972


You have been engaged as a Business Analyst by the Ulanbatar Agricultural University (UAU) to assist them in a planned ICT project. The project is to specify, acquire or develop, and implement a timetable and classroom (lecture-room) scheduling system

The UAU Timetable Officer (TO) needs to arrange the classes for each semester. They need to schedule classes for each course based on numbers of students, capacity of the classrooms, the need for specialized equipment such as computers or laboratories, and the availability of the lecturers.

They need to ensure a lecturer is not scheduled twice at the one time. The information is displayed on a wall for students and staff. Where staff or students see clashes, such as two of their classes on at the same time, then the TO needs to try to reschedule.

Class scheduling is a laborious and time-consuming task and requires many iterations to reduce clashes of classes for lecturers and students. The Timetable is also only available on paper print- outs that are posted on a wall inside the Administration Building. There is always a crush of students and staff wanting to see the Timetable when it is first available and a long line of people with questions and concerns wanting to talk with the TO.

The President of UAU believes this all needs to be managed on-line through a web-based scheduling system which would also provide an online diary/appointments system for the lecturers. Students would be able to see their weekly class times and receive notification of any changes or class cancellations. Lecturers would be able to see their class times and schedule additional tutorials or meetings with students.

The TO has asked you to investigate high-level requirements and options. You have agreed to undertake the tasks listed as follows.

QUESTION 1 Write a Vision statement for the system listing Problem Definition, Project Objective, System Capabilities and Business Benefits

QUESTION 2 Develop a list of stakeholders and state how each will be impacted by the project

QUESTION 3 Write a list of the key functionalities of the system (think about both functional and non-functional aspects)

QUESTION 4 List the different types of users and the functions they will use

QUESTION 5 Develop a "TO BE" process using BPMN or UML for scheduling a class

QUESTION 6 For the MUST story: TO enters the requirements for a class in a particular course

Develop the screen design for this story and identify any business rules; justify your design

QUESTION 7 Write all acceptance criteria for this story to be done

Reference no: EM132013972

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6/9/2018 6:26:41 AM

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