Write a victorian age essay about emancipation

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM131033823

English Literature: Victorian Age Essay

New and Origninal work. The topic is provided below and I need it to be 2 pages no limit on word count. Make sure it is MLA cited and the paragraghs are detailed explaining which charasteristic you are referring to. The writings are coming from the Norton Anthology English Literature Book The Victorian Age Volume E. I have attached the three writings from the book that I would like you to use for this essay. Let me know if you need a better copy scanned and I will be happy to rescan it.

Assignment Description: Write a short (2 page) essay using selections from the texts that demonstrate the characteristic below. Remember it takes more than 2 data points to indicate a trend. You will need to choose 3 different writers to show there was a prevailing tendency toward the characteristic you choose. Explain fully how the characteristic is shown by detailed explication of the works you choose. Make sure references are integrated and cited according to MLA conventions.

Literature of this age tends to come closer to daily life and reflects its practical problems and interests. It becomes a powerful instrument for human progress. Socially & economically, industrialism was on the rise as well as various reform movements such as emancipation, child labor, women's rights, and evolution.


Reference no: EM131033823

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