Write a vhdl code for soda vending machine

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Reference no: EM13720

Soda Vending Machine Design 

Design a soda vending machine that can deliver three kinds of soda, A, B and C. All  the  three soda cost the same amount  - 70 cents. The vending machine has four coin slots, one  each for nickel (N = 5c), dime (I = 10c), quarter (Q = 25c) and dollar (D = 100c). Coins are inserted into the machine one at a time in any order. The machine should take coins until 70 cents or more has been put in. When this occurs, the machine should wait for the  choice of the soda A, B or C.


After the choice is made, the machine is ready for vending.

The machine should indicate vending by turning on one of the  lines A_O, B_O  or C_O  for 1 second. During this time the machine cannot accept any coins. After 1 second, the machine is ready to accept coins again. The machine does not return any change. The machine should be a Finite State Machine (FSM) operating with  a 100 Hz  clock. The machine should have a reset input (R), which when pressed and released puts the machine  in READY mode. Whenever this happens, the machine should display the total amount  accumulated since last reset. Also, the internal amount accumulated is reset to zero cents.

Write a VHDL code that implements the above soda machine. You have to turn in the following:

 1. A state diagram showing the implementation of your design. Clearly show all the states and the conditions on which transitions occur.

(a) Normal operation of soda vending, showing the order in which the coins are inserted,  the state transitions and the vending process. Show that your machine does not accept coins when the machine is vending.

(b) Show the reset operation after a few sodas are vended, clearly displaying the total  amount accumulated and the state change.

Reference no: EM13720

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