Write a vbscript function called maxnum that accepts numbers

Assignment Help Visual Basic Programming
Reference no: EM13778144

Write the Windows CLI commands that will Clear the screen; Turn off Command echo; and display the current IP address, Subnet Mask, and Default Gateway.

Write the NETSH command that will set the IP address of the interface name "NIC" to with a default-gateway of and a metric of 1

Write the VBScript code lines that perform the following tasks: Define a variable age that is initialized to 35. Display a message that uses the variable to display Your age is 35, but 10 years ago, you were 25. Note: the value 25 is calculated from the variable age. Also note the period at the end of the displayed output.

A movie theater manager says, "Provide a discount to patrons who are under 15 years old and those who are over 55 years old; otherwise, charge the full price." Write the VBScript code that implements this logic. Assume the variables age and price and the constants DISCOUNT_PRICE and FULL_PRICE.

Assuming that you are connected to a database table called Computers with the fields Computer, Hostname Room_Num, CPU_Type, Num_CPUs, Bit_Size, OS_Type, Memory, and HDD_Size, write the SQL Query String sqlStr such that the fields Computer, Hostname, and CPU_Type will be displayed for all records CPU_Type is 'AMD' and the Bit_Size is 64. The returned records should be sorted by Hostname.

Write a VBScript function called MaxNum that accepts two numbers and returns the largest of the two numbers

Write the VBScript code that initializes all the variables in the numArray(100) such that numArray(0) =1, numArray(1) =2,...,numArray(100) =101.

Write the VBScript code that defines the Scripting.FileSystemObject and opens the file C:\Data\DataFile.txt for writing. Make sure the file will NOT be created if it doesn't exist, and ensure that the format is ASCII.

Reference no: EM13778144

Questions Cloud

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