Write a three pages paper about a food recipe

Assignment Help Term Paper
Reference no: EM131130286

Botany paper

Recipe paper

Each student will write a paper of minimum length 3 pages (12 pt font, double spaced, 1" margins, not counting references) about a food recipe.

References should be cited within the text, followed by a reference list after the text. At least one reference must be a more authoritative source than the textbook or Wikipedia. The paper should discuss 5 different plant ingredients in detail. This should include the common name, scientific name, part of the plant used and place of origin of the domesticated plant. The correct botanical description must be used for the part of the plant used. For example, for onion it is not sufficiently precise to say "the entire onion after peeling."

The paper should be written as an essay, composed of paragraphs with some interesting insights and comments - not written as preparation or cooking instructions.

Reference no: EM131130286

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