Reference no: EM131292808 , Length: 7
Topic: Life of Wole Soyinka
Your paper should have a clear introduction by stating the THESIS/THEME of your research in first paragraph
Also state in the first paragraph the significant of your study. What NEW INFORMATION your research reveals in relationship to what other writers said about the topic or similar topic
Avoid the use of the personal pronoun "I" in the paper
The body of the paper should read smoothly and clearly. Try to use short sentences and not long sentences that will confuse the idea you want to convey or put forward.
Write one-sided and writings be separated into paragraphs
Your conclusion should be the last paragraph and should highlights or clearly states/provide summary of the main points.
You MUST use FOOTNOTES citations, NOT APA or MLA
Footnote citation format: There should be NO URL or www.
Names in bibliography should be written in Alphabetical order
7 page research paper with 8th page as a work cited page.
From below choose any one topic for your research paper:
Choose ONE theme or ONE style that is evidenced or well developed in the epic, The Odyssey, and discuss how it generally unfolds in the epic.
Choose three poems from each perspective (Asian, European, and African) and explicatively analyze them as you compare and contrast them.
_. You must write your paper in MLA format.
_. You must give adequate examples to support your arguments.
_. You must cite at least 10 academic sources for your research material.
_. No more than two sources in one page, and no one source material should run over 2 lines within the same page.
--. Research sources must be documented in the works cited page at the end of the paper.