Write a term paper about racism

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Reference no: EM131022370

Write a term paper about Racism.

The social problem is approved.

The psychological perspective is not clearly identified. For the Term Paper, make sure the psychological perspective is clearly identified. For the Term Paper, remember, you can only pick ONE psychological perspective, however, within that ONE perspective, multiple theories can work

Term Paper Guidelines

Be sure to address in your PROPOSAL which social problem you are going to be addressing and which personality theory you are going to be using to frame the problem and potential solution. To be clear: your proposal should be in complete sentences and in paragraph format, at least one paragraph in which you outline the social problem you'll be tackling, at least one paragraph in which you give a brief outline of the theoretical perspective you'll be using to address the problem, and at least one paragraph in which you'll be addressing the applicability of the theoretical perspective to the social problem. The 3 sources you're being asked for are sources that address the social problem or the theoretical perspective.

As a reminder, the term paper is not a biographical paper; keep biographical information to a bare minimum. It is also not a general summary paper in which you outline some theoretical perspective. However, some theoretical perspective is obviously necessary in order to complete the assignment. The real focus needs to be on understanding a modern social problem through the theoretical lens of a personality theory. Examples of modern social problems include high-risk sexual behaviors, poverty, racism, crime, rape, sexual deviance, student behavioral problems, marital troubles, and the like (at instructor discretion). So, a student could do a paper about using behavioral techniques to reduce student behavioral problems in the classroom, understanding pedophilia from a Freudian perspective, or even violence from an evolutionary psychology perspective.

The term papers strongest part should be in the writer's ability to apply the theoretical perspective in coming up with practical advice and directions for research in tackling the social problem, so you'll need to show that you have some real mastery of both the social problem and the theoretical perspective. The proposal you're being asked to submit in this assignment should demonstrate that you've given this some real thought and started to gather resources. It will also provide the instructor with an opportunity to offer guidance and feedback as necessary.

Because this is a 400-level course, those papers that receive satisfactory grades will be well-written, thoughtful, and worthy of submission to either a peer-reviewed professional journal or conference. Term papers will be graded on the basis of content, clarity and overall quality of work. Papers that do not follow the expected format as outlined will not receive a passing grade. Term papers will be due on the date noted in the timetable below. Late papers will not be accepted unless prior arrangements are made with the instructor. You may, at your discretion, hand in a term paper early. If you wish to do so, with time permitting, the instructor will offer comments for revision and accept the revised version no later than the due date.

Use at least 5 sources (not including anything from your textbook or the Personality Reader). Remember, sources are not the same thing as resources.

Sources are academically credible journal articles or primary source books (not textbooks).

Resources are things like textbooks, Wikipedia, web pages, and magazine and newspaper articles. In this class, expect to use academically credible sources and to lose points when you use resources instead of sources.

Make your submission typed, double spaced and in 12-point Times New Roman font. Include a title page and reference page, both in APA format (as the entire submission should be).

Reference no: EM131022370

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