Write a summary of the story or research

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Reference no: EM131876732

Quetsion: Current Articles on Medical Marijuana or Legalization

Select a news article or research publication about medical marijuana or marijuana legalization. Get a copy of the article. Write a summary of the article including the following:

1) Write a summary of the story or research that is being described or addressed.

2) What are the proposed solutions (if any) or approaches to marijuana policy?

3) Are differing views described in the article? If so, what are those views?

4) Describe your personal or professional opinions about this issue and the article itself. Bring both your summary and the article to class.

Also: Discern between your personal AOD use policy and an AOD policy for the community. Considering information about marijuana including pharmacology, trends and patterns of use in America, and current debates about legalization- write your position on the following:

What is a practical policy for the USA to adopt (Illegal, legal, decriminalize, medical only) for marijuana? List the reasoning behind your point of view. What is your personal understanding about people who use or abuse or addictively use marijuana?

Information related to above question is enclosed below:

Attachment:- MarijuanRflectPaper2015.rar

Reference no: EM131876732

Questions Cloud

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Discuss the purpose of the legislative action : Discuss the purpose of the legislative action.Describe the problem/problems that the legislative action is trying to solve or prevent.
Write a summary of the story or research : Select a news article or research publication about medical marijuana or marijuana legalization. Get a copy of the article.
Define social responsibility : Define social responsibility. Explain how an organization can be ethical, socially responsible, and green.
Explain to what degree the myth is based on facts : Choose a common myth associated with managed care. You may use one of the myths discussed in this week's reading assignment, or come up with one on your own.
What to do to improve an organisation processes : Having made a decision about what to do to improve an organisation's processes, what should you do to plan for the implementation of that change?
Why has labor-force participation rate declined : Why has labor-force participation rate declined? How is it related to government programs such as unemployment insurance and welfare?


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