Reference no: EM131095710 , Length:
Provide 10 resources that will support the family and child with the specified disability that you chose (books, articles, community resources, research-based best practices). For each resource listed, write a summary of the resource.
For books, summarize the book and how it can be used in the classroom; for articles, summarize the article; and for community resources and research-based best practices, summarize the services/practices that are provided.
Identify at least 2 children's books that feature children with disabilities, listing the title, author and publisher.
Identify at least 2 articles that you could give a parent to support a child who is gifted or has a disability, listing the title, author, and publisher.
Identify at least 2 community agencies that support families who have children that are gifted or have a disability. Find at least 2 research-based best practices that would help you provide support to the family or students who are exceptional, and write 2 paragraphs about the practice.
This is an early childhood class- my subject was autism. so please do this on a 2-3 year old with autism.
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