Reference no: EM131175748
Lesson Plan for pre-school age group
Age pre-school age 3-5 years old
The focus of the final project is to develop a one-week unit plan. You will create a curriculum plan as a document using Microsoft Word and a media version. The media version can be a website (e.g.,,,, or or an alternative format (e.g., PowerPoint), which must be approved in advance by the instructor The curriculum plan demonstrates your mastery of the four course learning outcomes and the media version demonstrates your ability to use technology to communicate your mastery to a wider audience. The curriculum plan you create will span one week of instruction and include several components, which are described in the instructions below.
Professional Curriculum Plan
• Developmental Age: In one to two paragraphs, describe the developmental age/level of the children for whom the unit plan is designed.
• Classroom Management: In two to three paragraphs, explain your philosophy of classroom management using examples from Jaruszewicz (2013) for support.
• Theoretical Alignment: In two to three paragraphs, describe the theoretical alignment of your unit using specific examples (e.g., Does it align to Piaget, Vygotsky, or another theorist?).
• Curriculum Approach: In two to three paragraphs, describe which approach to curriculum you most closely adhere to using specific examples (e.g., Do you adhere to a Montessori, Creative Curriculum, or other model?).
• Developmentally Appropriate Practices (DAPs): In two to three paragraphs, explain how your classroom setting will foster developmentally appropriate practices using specific examples.
Connection to Family Plan
• Parent Letter: In one page, write a letter to parents that includes the following components:
o An overview of the unit.
o The purpose of the unit.
o The objectives of the unit.
o The recommendations for home support.
o An overview of the assessments.
Content and Developmental Domain Plans and Assessments
• Content Lesson Plan and Assessment: Develop one lesson plan with an assessment that addresses one content area (i.e., language arts, math, science, social studies, or diversity and character). It is required that you use the Lesson Plan Template to complete this portion of your assignment. It is suggested that you utilize the Early Childhood and Child Development: Lesson Plan Handbook as a guide for how to more effectively plan this lesson.
• Developmental Domain Lesson Plan and Assessment: Develop one lesson plan with an assessment that addresses one or more of the developmental domains (i.e., cognitive, affective, and/or psychomotor). It is required that you use the Lesson Plan Template to complete this portion of your assignment . It is suggested that you utilize the Early Childhood and Child Development: Lesson Plan Handbook as a guide for how to more effectively plan this lesson.
Free Play/Center Plan
• Center Overview: In two paragraphs, write an overview for the center plan that describes the importance of play.
• Centers Plan: Include a completed version of the Centers Plan Template.
• Center Layout: Using the software of your choice, create a classroom layout of the center(s).
Other Instructions
• Introduction: Write a succinct introduction to the unit plan that describes the contents of the plan and the organization of the contents of the plan.
• Conclusion: Write a succinct conclusion to the unit plan that describes the contents of the plan and major points from the contents of the plan.
• Media Version: Include a link to your media version in the document you submit that contains the components described above. The media version can be a website (e.g., using, Google,, or or an alternative format (e.g., PowerPoint), which must be approved in advance by the instructor.
• APA Formatting: Use APA formatting, consistently throughout the assignment, which includes the title page, references list, and all content in the document and media version.
• Syntax and Mechanics: Display meticulous comprehension and organization of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar.
• Source Requirement: References five scholarly sources in addition to Jaruszewicz (2013) to provide compelling evidence to support ideas, examples, and so forth. All sources on the references slide need to be formatted and cited correctly within the body of the presentation.