Write a strategic marketing plan for an organisation

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Reference no: EM133574435 , Length: word count:2000

Assessment - Strategic Marketing Plan

The student will be asked to write a strategic marketing plan for an organisation's new product to be launched into the market (student to select firm and product). The student must consider the current climate of the industry by analysing current situation of the business, competitors, ethical and firm performance factors that affect the ability, strategic application, NPD process, quality and management of its sustainable marketing effort.

Students are asked to write a strategic marketing plan for an organisation's new product to be launched into the market (student to select firm and product). The student must consider the current climate of the industry by analysing current situation of the business, competitors, ethical and firm performance factors that affect the ability, strategic application, NPD process, quality and management of its sustainable marketing effort. Assume the role of marketing manager for the product/brand and your job is to construct a basic marketing plan to grow/extend the brand.

Your written marketing plan should include:
• Current Business
• Marketing Objectives
• Competitors of the business
• Strategic Marketing approach
• Marketing Mix (4Ps) - including NPD process

The primary aim of this assessment is to understand the theory of marketing and role of marketing in businesses. The secondary aim of this assignment is to give you the opportunity to enhance your analysis, critical thinking, written communication skills and theoretical applications.

Referencing: You required to use minimum of 15 academic references. Use proper in-text referencing as well as list of references. The referencing style must follow the APA referencing style.

Assignment Structure Executive Summary Table of Contents
Body of the plan to contain Section Headings - e.g.
• Introduction: Purpose of the paper, scope and limitations
• Background to the selected industry, and the business organization
• Current Business

- Overview of Current Business
- SWOT and current VRIO Analysis
• Marketing Objectives: Proposing the need of new product/product extension to grow your brand

- Short term and long term objectives
• Market and Competitor analysis

• Strategic Marketing approach
- Segmentation
- Targeting

- Positioning
• Marketing Mix (4Ps/7Ps) Ethical and sustainable approach
- Product- NPD process
- Price
- Place
- Promotion
*you can consider application of 7Ps if necessary
• Recommendations: (Analyze proximity, Proposed VRIO, Blue Ocean and PLC Strategies)
• Conclusion
• References list

Reference no: EM133574435

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