Write a statement that writes both of their values

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13167838

Given an interger variable i and floating-point variable f, write a statement that writes both of their values to standard output in the following format: i=value-of-i f=value-of-f. Thus, if i's value were 25 and f's value were 12.34, the output would be: i=25 f=12.34. But you don't know what i's value and f's value are. They might be 187 and 24.06. If that's what their values are, the output from your statement should be i=187 f=24.06. Remember : you are GIVEN i and f -- that means they are already declared and they are already haves values! Don't change their values by assigning or initializing them! Just print them out the way we have shown above. Just write one statement to produce the output. Remember: in your output you must be displaying both the name of the variable (like i) and it's value. 

Reference no: EM13167838

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