Write a source-based argumentative essay

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Reference no: EM131333132

Argumentative Essay: Adding Your Voice to the Conversation

This assignment asks you to (1) research and consider different sides of an issue you have chosen, (2) decide on your position regarding this issue, and (3) write a source-based argumentative essay to a specific audience which you have identified.

Importantly, your argument should add something unique or new to the conversation, and not just repeat someone else's argument and ideas.

What is my purpose?

Your purpose may be one of the following:

To convince undecided readers to agree with your argument
To make opposing readers less resistant to your argument
To persuade readers who are in agreement with you to take action on your issue.
Who is my audience?
You will choose the audience for your argument. Select a specific audience or "stakeholder (group)" who is interested in your issue.
You will need to consider your audience's expectations, along with their needs, values, and interests, as you write your argument. How might you best appeal to them to achieve your purpose?
What is my subject?
as Write your argument in answer to the research question you have investigated. Your argument (claim) is your answer to the research question you have asked.
What else do I need to know?
Your paper must be 3-3 1/2 pages long (double spaced; does not include Works Cited).

You must use at least four (4) high quality (but not necessarily academic) sources. Choose the types of sources you use according to what you learned during our evening at the PC Library. Keep in mind that you may need to find additional sources to support your argument, filling in gaps you perceive in your argument as you write it. You will also need to address a counterargument in your essay.

You should support each of your main points/reasons with 2-3 sources, thereby synthesizing your research to support your argument.

Your paper should be formatted according to MLA conventions. This includes: MLA-style heading and page numbers, in-text citations within your paper for all quotations, paraphrases, and summaries, and a Works Cited page at the end of your paper.

Continue reading as much as possible about the topic you've chosen for your argumentative essay. Continue learning as much about the topic as you can and discovering as many different perspectives/points of view/opinions about it as possible. In addition to looking at newspapers, websites, news sites, etc., use the resources you've learned about tonight. It is imperative that you complete your homework on time, as you won't do well on this assignment if you fall behind.

Assignment Format

1. Introduction
a. Explanation of the issue (Use an introductory technique, such as turning an argument on its head.)
b. Statement of both sides of the issue
c. Argumentative thesis statement

2. Argument 1 for your stance
a. Detail 1
b. Detail 2
c. Etc.

3. Argument 2 for your stance
a. Detail 1
b. Detail 2
c. Etc.

4. Argument 3 for your stance
a. Detail 1
b. Detail 2
c. Etc.

5. Counter-argument
a. Statement of the opposing view
b. Refutation of opposing view 1
a. Refutation.of opposing view 2
b. Etc.

6. Conclusion
a. Detail 1
b. Detail 2
c. Etc.

Reference no: EM131333132

Questions Cloud

Acceleration and the change in time : An elevator is moving downwards at 4m/s when suddenly someone hits the stop button and it travels another 2.9 m before coming to a rest. please solve for the acceleration and the change in time.
Describe what might be different about your message : Describe what might be different about your message if you speak with your supervisor in person rather than send an e-mail. Use the concepts you learned about both verbal and nonverbal messages as you write your answer
What is the spring constant of the spring : 1) What is the spring constant of the spring? 2) What is the oscillation frequency? What is the oscillation frequency? 3) After t = 0.45 s what is the speed of the block?
Prepare a cash basis and an accrual basis income statement : Joan's dance studio had the following transactions during May. Received a utility bill for May totaling $600 that will be paid in June. Prepare a cash basis and an accrual basis income statement.
Write a source-based argumentative essay : Research and consider different sides of an issue you have chosen, (2) decide on your position regarding this issue, and (3) write a source-based argumentative essay to a specific audience which you have identified.
Magnitude of the gravitational acceleration : At what height (expressed in terms of R) is the magnitude of the gravitational acceleration 85% less than g0
Explain how each relates to supply chain management : Describe the two technologies you selected and explain how each relates to supply chain management. Provide at least one example of an actual organization that uses each of the two technologies you selected
Maximum efficiency that a heat engine : What is the maximum efficiency that a heat engine could have when operating between the normal boiling and freezing temperatures of water?
How does cash flow affect the evaluation of an investment : How does cash flow affect the evaluation of an investment? If an initial investment will be $100,000, which is better, a one-time return of $120,000 received in one year after the investment is made.



12/29/2016 5:38:54 AM

as Send me an email with (1) all the links to your research articles and/or websites in the body of the email, and (2) your essay as a Word attachment. as There will be at least one peer review workshop scheduled before the paper is due.

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