Reference no: EM132591679 , Length: 4 pages
Question 1. The program Lab6-1.exe prints an encoded message to the screen. Execute the program. What is the encoded message (a screenshot will suffice)? You suspect the message is encoded using the classic Caesar Cipher. Decode the message to validate this hypothesis. You can do it by hand or you can write a program. What is the decoded message?
Question 2. You receive a file to analyze, but it is not in an executable format. You suspect the file may be an XOR-encoded PE32 file. Open the file Lab6-2.exe in FileInsight.
a. What is the XOR Key? The key should be obvious, given the structure of the file.
b. Decode the file using FileInsight. What is the MD5 of the decoded file?
c. Execute the decoded file. What message is displayed? You may use a screenshot.
Question 3. The program encode.exe is a program that encodes files. Examine the source code in encode.c by opening encode.c in Notepad++. Line 12 shows the hardcoded key in decimal form. What is the key in hexadecimal? Examine lines 32-37, which contain the encoding algorithm. What type of specific encoding does this program perform?
Question 4. Encode Lab6-1.exe using encode.exe. The command line syntax is:
>encode.exe -i Lab6-1.exe -o Lab6-1_encoded.exe
This will generate the encoded file. What is the MD5 of the encoded file? Examine the encoded file in FileInsight. Is the key immediately obvious? Explain why the null-preserving XOR encoding scheme is better than the standard XOR encoding scheme.
Question 5. Show the single line of assembly code that is commonly used to zero out the eax register (or any register for that matter).
Question 6. Base64 encode the first three characters of your name by hand! Show your work.
Question 7. Explain the need for padding with the equal sign (=) when base64 encoding a string whose length is not evenly divisible by 3?
Question 8. Open the file encodedString using Notepad++. By observation, what kind of encoding scheme was used to encode this string? What about the string supports your theory? Notepad++ has some built-in plugin for decoding. Highlight the entire file, then select Plugin -> Mime Tools and select the decoding mechanism. What are the decoded contents? Notice how base64 encoded data preserves formatting.
Question 9. Some tools and plugins, such as FindCrypt2 and KANAL, can help detect if cryptography is present in unknown files. What do these tools look for to detect cryptographic algorithms?
Question 10. What is entropy, and why can entropy detection tools help to identify potentially encrypted information?
Question 11. Explain the importance of OPSEC while researching malware and network-based indicators of compromise.
Question 12. Snort can be used to detect known malicious domains. Suppose you observe the domain badNorwich.evil.comin your analysis and you want to signature on the DNS query for this domain. In DNS, the dot indicates the length of the string to follow. Further, DNS queries are sent to UDP port 53. The snort signature for this domain would be:
alert udp $HOME_NET any -> any 53 (msg:" DNS query"; content:"badNorwich|04|evil|03|com"; nocase;)
Write a snort signature that would detect a DNS query for
Question 13. Write a snort signature that can detect the network traffic that was observed back in Week 1's meoware.exe sample. The sample is provided again in the Lab6 folder.
Question 14. Execute Lab6-4.exe with WireShark running. What IP address and what protocol does this sample use? Observe the payload. What type of encoding do you suspect is being used? Decode the contents of the payload to identity what is being exfiltrated. What are the decoded contents? Write two snort signatures. The first alerts on traffic based on the IP address and the protocol. Since we know that malware servers often change their IP addresses, write a second signature based on the content of the payload.
Question 15. Load Lab6-5.exe into IDA. Observe function sub_401190. What is this function doing? Notice that there are three variable in play: var_4, arg_0, and arg_4. Which variable contains a pointer to a buffer with the data? Which variable is serving as a counter? Which variable is the length of the buffer? What is the hex value of the key? (As an optional exercise, write a for-loop in the high-level language of your choice to illustrate this function). To determine which data (buffer) this function is operating on, you need to see which function(s) call sub_401190. Check the function's cross-references by clicking here:
Which function calls sub_401190? Navigate to this function to observe its code. Based on the Windows functions being called and the location of the call to sub_401190, where do you suspect the encoded content is stored? Observe your suspected location of the encoded content by opening the file in CFF Explorer. Now open the file in FileInsight and navigate to the encoded data. Decode the section of the encoded data by using FileInsight's built in decode capability. When entering a key in hex format, you must use the "0x" prefix, for example, 0x89. What is the decoded content? Write a snort signature.
Attachment:- Lab.rar