Write a small Python script that asks the user for a name

Assignment Help Python Programming
Reference no: EM133087555

Conditionals, Lists and Loops

1. Below you'll find some source code that uses all the main conditional operators. Create a new Python script called 01-ConditionalOperators.py and copy and paste the code below into it then run the program via IDLE.

Once you've got it working, try changing the values of num1 and num2 specified at the start of the program and re-run the program again. Then, modify the program so that it asks the user for the two numbers before performing its comparisons.

2. Conditional AND

Write a small python script that asks the user:
a. If they have a drivers license (Y/N), and
b. If they have a car (Y/N)
Use an and statement to print out the message "Let's go for a spin!" if they answered yes to BOTH questions, otherwise display a message saying "Walking it is!".

3. Conditional OR

Write a small Python script that asks the user "Do you want to go out for lunch?". If the user enters "Y" OR "y" (i.e. uppercase or lowercase letter y) then print out the message "Cool! You're paying!", otherwise display the message "Bah! Beans on toast again!".

Once you've done the above, try using the capitalize() function on the input - this function will capitalise the very first word of any string - so by using this you don't actually need the OR comparison to check against both 'Y' or 'y' - because the lowercase will be capitalised into 'Y' if it isn't already.

Going further, you could compare using if (answer[0:1].capitalize() == 'Y'): - in this case the user could type in "yes" or "Yes" as well, and we'd only take the first character and capitalize it, so more potential answers would work as an affirmative response.

4. Printing Ranges

Write a small Python script that print out the following ranges of values:
• 0 to 10 inclusive (i.e. including the final 10 value),
• 50 to 74 with a step-size of 1,
• 50 to 90 with a step size of 5 (make sure the final 90 value is included!),
• 30 to 0 inclusive with a step-size of -6 (minus six).
Rather than writing a loop for each of these, you can wrap the range call inside a list call to display the list generated by the range statement i.e. print(list(range(5)))

5. Loops

Write a small Python script that asks the user for a name, and then prints the name 10 times.
Then, add a second section that does the same thing but using a while loop and a countervariable. To do this, create a value initialised to zero, set your while loop to keep running while the counter is less than 5.

Finally, add a third section that does the same thing again but this time uses an infinite while loop (i.e. while True) - where your code keeps track of how many times the loop has executed similar to the above, but this time when the loop has run the desired number of times you call the break statement to terminate the loop.

6. Challenge Task - Pizza Cost Calculator

Write a Python script to calculate the cost of a single pizza order, where the order may contain one or more pizzas.
Ask the user the size of the pizza they want - small pizzas cost $10, medium pizzas cost $12 and large pizzas cost $14.
Ask the user how many toppings they want (valid answers are between 1 and 6) - the first three toppings are free, any toppings above that cost an additional dollar per topping.
Once you have those details, ask the user if they'd like to add another pizza to the order - if so you go again from asking the size.
Once the user says they don't want to add any more pizzas to the order then display the total amount due.

Attachment:- Conditionals, Lists and Loops.rar

Reference no: EM133087555

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