Write a simple program that uses the class

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13703784

Question: Need help with a character converter

Create a CharConverter class that performs various operations on strings. It should have the subsequent two public member functions:

Part 1: The uppercase member function accepts a string object and returns the string with all lowercase lettersconverted to uppercase. If a character is already uppercase, or is not a letter, it should be left alone.

Part 3: The properWords member function accepts a string object consisting of words seperated by spaces and returns it with the first letter of each word converted to uppercase.

Program: Write a simple program that uses the class. It should prompt the user to input a string, display it, call one or the other of the class functions to convert it, then display the converted string.

The program should loop to allow additional strings to be converted and displayed until the user chooses to quit.

You need to do various operations on string. Add comments in code section. Code this program in java programming.

Reference no: EM13703784

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