Reference no: EM132711270
Autonomous Air Traffic Control
As a top so<ware engineer in Westralia's CAA, the senior management would like you to write a short report about the feasibility of this development, and comment on the likely bene?ts (include those perceived above) and challenges in the operation and implementation of these developments. In particular, they would like you to comment on whether or not they should go ahead with the development at this time.
Subsequent sections should comment on:
- Whether you think the bene?ts listed above are realisable within the nearest future
- The need to take into account the safety critical nature of the application
- The challenges in verifying and validating the resulting ATC system
- To what extent other CAAs around the world are using or developing autonomous tools in their en-route ATC operations.
In particular, the report should discuss the aspects of and issues relating to ethics, legality, human behaviour, safety, trust and security that may arise in deployment of AAIS, and what the implications are for the development of this autonomous system. Also, the report should be supported in the following way:
- Definitions of terms, context.
- Introduction to the ATC area, and one seam of work in particular that investigated autonomic properties (self-assessment, self-maintenance) in ATC.
- Non-technical part of autonomous intelligent systems, including societal, behavioural and institutional challenges.
- Diagrams to support claims.
- Referencing all forms of literature review works.
Finally, the report should end with a short, well-reasoned recommendation on
whether or not the management should proceed in developing a fully autonomous computer system for managing air tra?c operations at this time.