Reference no: EM131299473
Section A: Write a short paragraph of three correct sentences (NB: using ONLY your own sentences) for each of the following sets of words. You need to use each word at least once in the three-sentence paragraph. The meanings of the words should be conveyed in context.
1. Principal (adjective) and principle (noun).
2. Dependent and dependant.
3. Effect (verb), affect (verb), affect (noun) and effect (noun). Please indicate in which sense you are using the word in each sentence.
4. Acronym and initialism.
5. Incite and entice.
6. Respond and response.
7. Outright and forthright.
8. Indignant and undignified.
9. Bridge (verb) and breach (verb).
10. Credible and credulous.
11. Timely and timeously.
12. Mitigate and militate.
13. Deprecate and depreciate.
14. Accepted and excepted.
15. Practice and practise
Section B: CORRECT and DISCUSS each of the specific errors or shortcomings in the following paragraphs. In other words, please explain each error or shortcoming that you identify, stating WHY it is an error or shortcoming, and then provide the corrected version. For example:
Paragraphs for Correction:
1. Once an organisation gets to understand the needs, expectations and perceptions of their clients, it will be able to make better decisions. In addition, a such a service organization trying to fulfill the needs of clients should understand that client's expectations are continually increasing. Once we are finished with the present endeavor we will be enabled to focus on the new maintenance program that is so important for this organisation in the long-term. The document must be signed by yourself and Dr. Xavier before it will have the desired affect. It is very essential for you to do so timely. May you please give attention to this matter at your earliest convenience.
2. After considering the situation John wrote the following to Paul in a casual letter: "This strategy will neither be accepted by top management, nor by external stakeholders. It is them who have the greatest influence on these matters, but, just between you and I, they can only act on what has been revealed by yourself and me.
We are the ones who holds the cards, and we should carefully consider who our actions will effect."
3. It is of utmost importance that Corporation XT as a financial Institution concentrates on their core business. And it is imperative that the necessary elements are considered in the process of adapting the overall strategy that all members of staff adheres to.
4. Effective and efficient program management very strongly rely on the contribution of every person in the organisation. Since we faced less challenges last year it may be difficult to significantly improve on our performance but we must do our utmost. Effective and efficient communication are only promoted through continuous practise.
Indeed, the only way that such promotion can be affected is through practising what you know on a day to day basis.
Section C: Select one of your OWN executive summaries.
Next, applying the knowledge that you have gained in studying your Essential English for Professionals DVD material, correct and/or improve the writing (professional context or executive summary) to the best of your ability, indicating the reasons for all your corrections or improvements.
For the purpose of this section of the examination, you must then please submit the original (unchanged) version of the writing, followed by your OWN corrected/improved version.
Section D: Discuss the precise meaning of each of the following sentences, with reference to defining and non-defining relative clauses (and, where relevant, hyphenation and compound adjectives). For the purpose of understanding how to approach this, consider the following example:
1. "This is the first man on the list, who is an engineer on this project." The meaning of this sentence is as follows: The comma has the effect that the clause introduced by the personal relative pronoun is a non-defining relative clause. Therefore the main clause in the sentence contains complete information about the subject (the man). This means that he may not be the first person on the list (there might, for instance, be a woman or non-human item before him), but he is indeed the first male person on the list. The non-defining relative clause then adds some additional information about him, i.e. the fact that he happens to be an engineer on this project.
2. "This is the first man on the list who is an engineer on this project." The meaning of this sentence is as follows: The fact that there is no comma has the effect that the clause introduced by the personal relative pronoun is a defining relative clause. Therefore the first part of the sentence contains incomplete information about the subject (the man). That means that he may not in fact be the first man on the list (there might be other men before him who are not engineers on this project; there might even be other male engineers, ones who are not on this project). He is the first male person on the list who is an engineer on this project. The defining relative clause adds essential information to identify him precisely.
Now, carefully discuss the precise meaning of each of the following sentences, with reference to defining and non-defining relative clauses (and/or, where relevant, hyphenation and compound adjectives):
1. This is the only convertible car which Mr Ford designed that is in the X collection.
2. This is the only convertible car that Mr Ford designed, which is in the X collection.
3. The amount is charged only for paint, which we do not stock.
4. The amount is charged only for paint that we do not stock.
5. For the reasons that we discussed at the previous meeting, we now have created a series of fifteen minute meetings on Fridays.
Attachment:- Assignment.rar