Reference no: EM131832801 , Length: word count:1400
Assignment title: Building Computer Using Components
Answering 3 questions related to aspects of Platform Technologies.
Q1. Digital Logic and Design:
a) Construct the following digital circuit with Logisim. The circuit has two outputs S and T and three inputs A, B and C.
S = A/BC + /ABC + AB/C + /A/B/C
T = /A/BC + A/BC + /AB/C + ABC
b) Generate the truth table using Logisim for inputs A, B and C and for outputs S and T.
c) Verify that the circuit you developed can be used as a 3-bit adder (Full adder) i.e., A and B are the two bits to be added and C is is the Carry-in bit. S is the sum of A and B and T is the carry-out bit.
Q2. Perform the following operations:
a) Convert the decimal -95.375 to IEEE 754 32-bit format. Show all the working.
b) Convert the following IEEE754 32-bit floating-point representation into decimal: 42AE4000. Show all the working.
Q3. You are required to research the topic "8086 Microprocessor" and answer the following questions:
1. Write a short note on the the history and design of x86 processor.
2. Compare intel 8086 with other vendors compatible 16 bit processors
3. State Pin description of 8086 processor
4. Discuss registers and iinstructions set of 8086 processor
5. Write a short note on flag register and explain 8086 flag register.
Word limit: 1400.
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Write a short note on flag register
: You are required to research the topic "8086 Microprocessor" and answer following questions: Write a short note on flag register & explain 8086 flag register
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: The income tax rate is 30%. (Hint: Prepare the income statement up to income before taxes and multiply by 30% to compute the amount.)
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