Write a short description of your fmc diagram

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Reference no: EM133507467

Systems Analysis and Design Assessment

Task - Class Diagram, FMC Diagram and Reflection

Assessment - Class Diagram, FMC Diagram and Reflection

Task description: In this Assignment, you will take what you have learnt in weeks 1, 3, 4 & 5 and apply this to a case. You will draw a Class Diagram and FMC Diagram in order to demonstrate a design of a case.

You will also justify your designs in short descriptions accompanying these diagrams, and create a video reflection in your group about what you have learnt in this unit and how you can apply this in your careers.

Task details: a) Read the Criterion-Referenced Assessment Rubric at the end of this document.
b) Read Case 2 (provided below), which relates to the Video Case Discussion, Class Diagram and FMC Diagram.
c) Explore the case further using the Grower, Customer and Business chatbots on Slack by entering a conversation with each under the "Apps" dropdown in the IFN552 Slack channel. Note the chatbots are there to provide you with an opportunity to practice asking stakeholder questions and to provide additional ‘bonus' information about the case; they will not be able to answer all of your questions, but can help you explore and brainstorm some of the needs for the stakeholders. Please do not rely solely on these to develop your assignment.
d) Record on video a 3 minute discussion between all group members. This discussion can be recorded in person or via Zoom/Teams video recording. It is highly recommended that this occur soon after group formation is finalised to ensure all group members participate early in the process. This discussion should be focused on demonstrating your understanding of the case, and can involve brainstorming of some essential requirements of the system, reflecting on important details of the case, or even role-playing as stakeholders of the case in an interview/focus group scenario.
e) Draw a Class Diagram for the new integrated system described in Case 2 below.
f) Focus on the classes relevant to products/inventory, search, selection and ordering (customers and growers), growth monitoring and payment.
g) It may help to start by writing a description of the processes that include the above elements in order to draw out the nouns.
h) Identify 15-20 classes (not including sub-classes) related to the new system that are essential for the functionality of the system in terms of the processes listed in (f). Put these classes into your Class Diagram.
i) You need to mention four to six attributes and at least two operations/methods for each class in the class diagram.
j) Show the correct relationships between classes (association, generalization, composition, aggregation) and include multiplicity for more than half of the relationships you draw (multiplicity may not make sense to include in all of the relationships in your diagram).
k) Out of all the classes in your diagram, pick four (4) that you think would most benefit from justification, and:
i. List three example instances of the class (objects) - describe these examples in terms of their individual attributes and operations
ii. Explain the association(/s) of the class with other class(/es)
l) Draw an FMC Block Diagram for Case 2 below. Follow the conventions set out in the lectures and tutorials by accurately representing elements of the system using appropriate shapes and labels, including:
i. Agents
ii. Storage
iii. Channels
iv. Nesting
Focus on aspects of the system relevant to products/inventory, search, selection and ordering (growers and customers), growth monitoring and payment.
Keep in mind that you will need to make decisions about the balance of detail/clarity of your diagram (i.e., it needs to include enough detail to appropriately represent the above elements, but not too much that the diagram is overly complicated or unclear). It is expected that you are able to demonstrate proficiency in determining this balance.
m) Write a short description of your FMC Diagram. Imagine you are presenting it to a set of stakeholders and you need to introduce what it is showing and what the important parts of it are.
n) Reflect on what you have learnt about Systems Analysis and Design in the course of completing this assignment as a group. Summarise your reflections in a short video presentation (no more than 3 minutes in length). For each team member, identify yourself by name, and briefly speak about how you can use what you have learnt in either your current or future career. This not only refers to the content but also what you have learnt about working in teams or learning independently (proactively) as part of this unit. (1 minute per group member). This can be completed by combining individually recorded videos for each group member, or as a whole of group reflection recorded in person or via zoom/teams meeting (ensuring each group member has an equal chance to speak).
o) Save your submissions in PDF and video form, as below:
o PDF: Save your diagrams, descriptions and cover page as a single PDF, and
o Video: Combine your two videos (initial discussion of the case and final reflection video) into one video with a link to the video either in Vimeo, YouTube, OneDrive, dropbox, etc. (ensure sharing permissions are granted) OR as an additional .mp4 file uploaded to the Canvas submission link (Canvas should allow multiple files uploaded at a time in the one submission, so there is no need to create a zip file).

Presentation requirements:

Assignment Case - Micro Farming Start-up

Company Case Study: BoxUp Micro

Background: Your client is a micro-farming start-up that aims to bring farming to urban areas through the power of the crowd. They send out "Grow Kits" to individuals and small businesses to set up in small areas like backyards and balconies, the produce of which, they plan to collect and sell in an online store. "Growers" buy a kit from the company, set the system up and grow the produce. When produce is ready, growers will then box the produce up and book an exchange, where a delivery person will come to swap the produce box with a new set of seeds/cuttings. Once produce is received and checked, the company will pay the growers based on a predetermined price per weight of usable produce.

Problem: The business is in a period of growth, and wishes to streamline some of the complexities around the collection of small amounts of produce from individuals (as opposed to the simpler process of large scale supply traditionally done in the rest of the fresh produce industry). To do this, they plan to introduce sensors into existing and new Grow Kits that will collect data on the growth of produce plants which will feed into a forecast of inventory for the online store.

In addition, they also need to integrate an account management section for Growers on the existing website, which currently only acts as an online store.

It is your task to determine the important additions that are needed to meet stakeholder needs and to start the process of designing the new integrated system through a range of system design and analysis techniques.


Sensors: Sensors in each kit will collect plant-growth data (e.g., CO2, moisture, root growth, etc.), which will be sent to a central database and displayed via a web application to Growers.

Grow kits: Grow kits contain a variety of seeds & cuttings of in-season produce like vegetables, fruits and herbs. Starter kits also include flat-packed growth containers, dehydrated soil & nutrient packs, as well as the sensors. When someone signs up to be a

Grower, they can select from various sizes of grow kits (e.g., small, medium, large), which will be delivered to them so they can start growing.

Produce collection and Replenishment: Kits are replenished with new seeds/cuttings when the previous set is fully grown and ready to be harvested. Sensor data enables an algorithm to detect produce harvest time, which will prompt a notification sent from the system to the Grower, with a range of options to set pickup/delivery times. Kit replenishment is done at the same time as fully grown produce is collected: a delivery driver is booked, who brings replenishment seeds/cuttings and collects the box of produce grown and harvested by the Grower. The Grower can opt to meet the driver, or simply leave the box of produce at their doorstep for the delivery driver to swap the seeds/cuttings for. Seeds/cuttings sent depend on the season (i.e., winter, spring, summer, autumn). Note: delivery services (i.e., drivers and trucks) are outsourced from an external company, however, organisation of deliveries is done via the main system to be developed.

Online store: The online produce store is a simple store where customers can select boxes of mixed produce of varying sizes. These boxes will generally be different from the individual boxes of produce sent to the company by Growers, as they will include a smaller set of more diverse fruits/vegetables and herbs put together by the Produce Managers at BoxUp Micro's warehouse.

The boxes are currently set up as "lucky dips", where customers will not know exactly what each box has, however, recent market testing has indicated that customers would prefer to know exactly what they are getting in order to plan their meals. There is therefore a need to integrate the sensor data from Grow Kits into the system in order to better forecast the inventory of produce available to each of the Online Store produce boxes.

Integrated system: With the upgrade of the Grow Kits to include sensors that transmit data to a centralised database, an algorithm has been added which can forecast when certain produce will be available and in what numbers. This algorithm is called GrowPredict. The business would like to use GrowPredict to help connect the currently separate systems of the online store and the Grower portal (which handles Grow Kit replenishment and produce collection).

Ideally, by integrating these into one system, the forecast provided by the algorithm will feed into the stock levels of produce shown on the website. Conversely, the purchase data from the online store will help determine the types and numbers of seeds/cuttings sent out to Growers in replenishment kits.

Stakeholders: Business owners & staff, customers of the online store, and the "Growers".

The above provides a general overview of what is required of the new system. You will need to combine brainstorming with some limited interviewing (via three chatbots provided on Slack) in order to determine what is required for the new system.

As there are no set requirements that we are looking for, you have the opportunity to be proactive and creative, however, remember to make sure that the solution you provide matches the case (i.e. remember to keep referring back to the information provided in the above case description to avoid contradicting any of the details).

Reference no: EM133507467

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