Reference no: EM132356951
1. Write a script that takes in three integer numbers from the user, calculates, and displays the sum, average, product, smallest, and largest of the numbers input.
a. You cannot use the min() or max() functions, you must provide the logic yourself
b. The calculated average must be displayed as an integer value (ex. If the sum of the three values is 7, the average displayed should be 2, not 2.3333)
2. Write a script that calculates the squares and cubes of the integers from 0 to 10, printing the results in a table format.
3. Write a script that takes in a single number of exactly five (5) digits from the user and prints each individual digit on the same line separated from one another by exactly four (4) spaces.
You will need to make sure that the user's input is exactly five (5) digits in length however and output a message indicating when it is either too long or too short.
4. Write a script that requests an integer number from the user which will determine the number of rows output in a table. Then, use a loop to create the table in following example (the number of rows will be determined by the user's input).
Write a simple number guessing game. The game will generate a random number between 1 and 10, the prompt the user to input a number between 1 and 10. Keep prompting them until they get the number correct, counting the number of guesses until they get it correct. When they finally get it, give them a congratulatory message along with how many guesses it took them. Make sure your grammar is correct, just in case they get it in a single guess.
Now we will create a modified version of the game you just had the user play. Now we will limit the number of guesses they can make to four (4). If they get it right, then display the messages from the original game. If not, then give them a game over message and encourage them to play again.
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