Write a script that clears the screen

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM131004986

Write a script that clears the screen, determines how many sessions you are in (use who, grep, and wc), compare 2 files that are passed as parameters using diff and cmp, and sort the first file.

Reference no: EM131004986

Questions Cloud

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What lease classification would management prefer : If SDI follows U.S. GAAP, how might SDI structure the lease agreement to avoid the additional debt? Explain.
Write a script that clears the screen : Write a script that clears the screen, determines how many sessions you are in (use who, grep, and wc), compare 2 files that are passed as parameters using diff and cmp, and sort the first file.
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Create a struct named as a computer which has brand : Write a program to store hardware specifications.Create a struct named as a computer which has brand, model name, processor name , processor speed, monitor screen size , hard disk space, size of Ram and graphic card name. Create two objects nameda..
Purely competitive firm finds that the market price : A purely competitive firm finds that the market price for its product is $30.00. It has a fixed cost of $100.00 and a variable cost of $17.50 per unit for the first 50 units and then $37.50 per unit for all successive units. Does price equal or excee..


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