Write a scientific review of membrane proteins

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM131731

Consider that you are working at a research university. Your boss is known scientist, who is extremely busy. One day he comes to your desk and gives you a "special project". 

It seems that long ago he agreed to prepare a scientific review of membrane proteins. It is now coming due, and he has barely begun to think about it. He does know that he needs to focus on an overview of mammalian membrane proteins, with emphasis on their structures, biological roles, mechanisms of action, and, if information is available, link these to any pathological processes/medical applications. He promises you a small, but in your situation useful, bonus if you complete the task on time.

An overview of the kinds of proteins found in membranes, including receptors, channels of various types and mechanisms, pores, and any transporters that you come across.

A detailed summary of structural aspects, written in the language of modern biochemistry and cell physiology, of the above membrane proteins

A detailed accounting of the mechanisms/control features, if known, of each of types of functional membrane proteins

Reference no: EM131731

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