Write a rhetorical analysis based on playing with prejudice

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM132012763 , Length: 500 Words


In 500 words, write a rhetorical analysis based on “Playing with Prejudice: The Prevalence and Consequences of Racial Stereotypes in Video Games.” The goal of this assignment is use the information from Chapter 1 ethos, pathos, and logos and find examples within the article. 

The thesis should: 

1. Identify the audience 
2. Identify what appeals are being used: ethos, pathos, and/or logos 
3. Identify which appeal is most effective 

Your support should come primarily in the form of textual support, including at least three direct quotes. You may NOT use or cite an outside source for this essay. You may use other sources to get a better understand of what a rhetorical analysis is or one of the terms: ethos, pathos, or logos. 

*Even though you are not using an outside source, you must still cite your primary text according to the 8th edition MLA guidelines* 
MLA Format 

Your essay should be properly formatted according to the most up-to-date MLA standards found in the supplement provided in your textbook. If you do not have access to that supplement, please follow the guidelines found at the Purdue OWL (Online Writing Lab) Link to Purdue Owl MLA 
Proper formatting includes the following criteria: 

• MLA General Format 
• In-text citations 
• Works Cited page that follows all MLA guidelines 

Submission Guidelines 
Your essay should be submitted as a .doc, .docx, .pdf, or .rtf file via the D2L Dropbox before the date and time listed in your calendar.

Reference no: EM132012763

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