Write a review that analysis on christ carrying the cross

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM13754681

It is an analysis on "Christ carrying the Cross". It has mainly two parts. You have to describe the historical period it belings to and its features; and the physical aspects of the work of art, color, line, sic,e, texture, space, light and dark, focal point, etc. At least 5 pages long.


- What historical period/culture does the work you have chosen belong to?

Mannerism in european renaissance art

- Describe the key features of that period as they relate to the art of the time, in particular, the artistic form of your chosen work.


- Determine what technique was used to make your 2-D work (type of paint, etc.) or 3-D work (carving, modeling, casting, etc.)

- based upon class discussion and some basic research on your own, describe the materials, processes and techniques used to make your work and analyze the effect of that technique upon the expressive and aesthetic character of the completed work

- Analyze the visual forms emphasized in your work, including the use of line and contour, texture, color, scale and other visual design elements, as suggested by your answers to the following questions

1) What is visually most distinctive/special about the work? Which elements are most emphasized: lines/outlines; space/depth; light and shadow; textures; color?

2) Is line important? outlines? inner lines? detail? What kinds of lines?

3) What colors are emphasized? What is the effect of the colors chosen? How are colors combined -- to harmonize or to create strong contrasts? Do the kinds of colors use draw your attention to a certain focus in the picture?

4) What is the approximate size (scale) of the piece? Is the work monumental, or is it small-scaled & intimate? How would it be different if it were smaller, or larger? Why do you think the artist choose that size for this work? What is the effect of the scale chosen?

5) Is texture important? If yes, how are textures shown? Why are they important? What do they add to the image? For sculpture , are actual textures emphasized? Analyze surfaces.

6) What kind of space is used/shown? Shallow space, medium space, deep space? Why do you think the artist chose this kind of space?

7) How are light and dark used? Are shadows prominent, dominant? Or is lighting emphasized? Or are both subdued, and why?

8) Is there a focal point in the work? If so, how does the artist lead your eye to that point of emphasis? If there's no one focus, there multiple points of focus? Why would there not be a single focal point?

9) Is there a story? If so, what is it? How is the story told?

10) What is the emotional expression of the work? How does it feel? mood? emotions of individual figures? What does the work "mean" to you?

11) Finally, in conclusion: What attracted you to the work? What do you like about it? What do you think the artist has achieved?

Reference no: EM13754681

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