Reference no: EM131022389
Book: Mooney (2007). The Short Bus. [Chapters: Prologue, 3, 5, 7, 8, 12, & 15]
This is book review writing.
Detailed Instruction is attached.
A. A critical review of the assigned text • Post as a film or book critic would
B. A meta-level evaluation of the methods and presentation of the text's ethnographic research .
C. Connection to recent events in Education .
D. Implications for educator practice • Provide a discussion of the implications of the above sections for educator practice.
Book Reviews
There are several objectives of the Book Review Assignment including:
1. Multi-level analysis of course texts/material
2. Meaningful connections to educator practice
3. Observation of real methods and products of educational anthropology/ethnography
4. Reflection upon the contexts and current issues in education
The instructor may assign the whole text or a portion of the text (see syllabus). Please submit an economical yet organized and polished review of the text through the course website. The word targets are listed below in an effort to compel authors to be economical and edit, but the lengths are targets that can be missed-give or take. You may write a continuous integrated essay or subdivide-your preference. Submit your written entry on via the course journal tool.
Please do not attach files. Rather, submit text in the journal entry (but save your work on your own computer). Deadlines for posting are on the course syllabus.
For each text, please deliver an integrated treatment of the following components:
A. A critical review of the assigned text
• Post as a film or book critic would. Avoid summarizing the material(s) and, rather, provide synthesis, analysis, reaction, disagreement, quotation, arguments, connections, and/or critical insights on the readings and topics for that week. Target: 200 words.
B. A meta-level evaluation of the methods and presentation of the text's ethnographic research
• Beyond the content, discuss and evaluate the author's anthropological approach to research and the manner in which the text is written. Review and evaluate the author's research focus, as well as the data collection and findings presentation techniques. Target: 200 words.
C. Connection to recent events in Education
• Search for and discuss an episode of schooling current events-locally, statewide, or nationally-that deals with the same main topic as the book (e.g. race, ethnicity, immigration, culturally responsive curriculum). Describe the event (embedding or linking to the news article, report, video, or website may be appropriate). Include your perspective on the dynamics at play in the current event. Target: 200 words.
D. Implications for educator practice
• Provide a discussion of the implications of the above sections for educator practice. (i.e. what impact can the general review of the text have on educator practice?; What can educators take from the data collection methods towards more effective pedagogy?; and/or How can educators grow in their understanding of the dynamics surrounding this topic in schools?) Target: 200 words.