Write a review of the article and integrate course

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Reference no: EM132815620


Topic: how to deal with monopoly power

Article: America's monopoly problem goes way beyond the tech giants. by David dayen

For term paper =2, you are required to pick a current ("hot", widely discussed) economic event that relates to the material (topic) we have covered or will cover in this course.

This paper has to show your ability to apply the concepts you have learned in this class to the analysis of the current events.

Stay away from purely theoretical articles. For example, if you want to write a paper about price discrimination: do not choose an article that is talking about price discrimination and/or its types in general. Rather, find an article that is talking about today's (current) examples of companies using price discrimination.

Please make sure that you choose a topic from MICROeconomics, not MACROeconomics. For example, you can not write about such macroeconomic topics as unemployment, inflation, recession, exchange rates, immigration. etc.

Research and find a NEWS ARTICLE that covers the event you have chosen. You can use an article online or offline from any reputable source. Make sure to provide a reference and a full link to this article in your paper.

Then, supplement it with another 2-3 sources that relate to the same econ concept as your main new article of choice.

Do not choose Wikipedia, Investopedia, and other similar online resources as your articles for the paper.

Write a review of the article and integrate course concepts into your review.

Your paper should be structured as follows:

Cover page (on the cover page add the title of the paper; your name, the course name, instructor's name, the school's name, and the date)
1. Introduction (here, you can discuss which topic you chose and why it interested you)
2. A Brief Summary of the Chosen Article
3. Discussion How This Article Relates to the Topic Discussed in the Class (this should be the largest part of your paper).
4. Conclusion

Make sure to break your paper down into sections and title each of the sections of your paper, including the introduction and conclusion.
Do NOT include an abstract since it is mostly used in serious research papers, publishable papers, dissertations, etc. rather than in short student papers.

Please note that the best practice in academia is to use at least 3 sources in each of your essays. Such sources as Wikipedia, Investopedia, Study.com, etc., should NOT be used in your paper because they are not peer-reviewed and, therefore, might not be accurate or credible enough.

Complete your essay in a Microsoft Word document in APA, 7th Edition format.

Please note that a minimum of 700 words (excluding the cover page and references) for your essay is required.

Verified Expert

The paper helped in analyzing the article based on monopoly problems associated with the Tech Giants. The article states that the members of congress will be capable to serve an overall understanding of the large tech platforms which will misuse their position in order to gouge partners and suppliers, buy up or muscle out competitors and occupy user privacy. It demonstrates that one of the ways to deal with such monopoly power is to compete with the organization by expanding the business across the country. Furthermore, to reduce the monopoly power, the government is required to stop policing the industry concentration. Meanwhile, congress must scrutinize towards focusing on telecom hardware, e-commerce, social media and internet search to deal with monopoly power.

Reference no: EM132815620

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3/4/2021 2:58:59 AM

Find attached assignment. need 700 words paper + title page + references with in-text citations. Topic: how to deal with monopoly power Article: America's monopoly problem goes way beyond the tech giants. by David dayen

Write a Review

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