Write a research paper on the artist kerry james marshall

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Reference no: EM131351032


Write a 5-6 page research paper on the artist Kerry James Marshall. This is not a biography, but an opportunity for you to tell me why he is important and what is important about his work.

Choose several of his paintings to analyze and discuss in your paper.

An ideal paper will read form for meaning and perhaps link his work to social concerns. You may want to think about the current issue of social justice. This is your paper, so find an aspect that is interesting to you. Your paper needs to have a thesis, telling me what you are going to discuss/argue in your paper.

I want 5 sources.

Here is a link to what is an annotated bibliography:


Here is the process:

1. Google MetBreuer Kerry James Marshall.

2. Read Webpage and all associated links.

3. Look up Kerry James Marshall on Jstor (access through website Library).

4. Skim through the titles of articles on Kerry James Marshall. The title tells you a lot. Start thinking about your approach to your research paper.

5. Download articles that interest you. Create an Annotated

Bibliography. What that means is you list the articles you have chosen that you think will be helpful for your research in alphabetical order (preferably using CMS or Chicago Manual of Style. Then you write a sentence or two for each article, after you have read it (or at least skimmed it), telling me what the article is about. Basically, I want a summary of the most important point, or what the article is about. What is the author's thesis? In other words, what is their argument? Why is what they are saying important?



Paper must be 5-6 pages in length (double-spaced).

Paper must have a title (a good title will reflect your thesis)

Paper must be in Times New Roman 12 point font

Paper margins must be 1" on left and right; top margin must be 1" and bottom margin 1"

Put titles of works of art in italics

**IMPORTANT** When you borrow someone else's idea, you must footnote it. If you borrow it directly, you must put their words in quotation (" ") marks.

(This applies to all information taken from lectures, books, wall plaques, etc.)

Paper topics will be determined by you as we get underway.

Paper will require library research and use of peer reviewed sources.

The analysis of a painting revolves around certain key characteristics of the work. The Subject of a painting, for example, is of primary importance and is responsible for a large measure of its immediate impact. Yet the same subject treated by two different artists can create widely divergent impressions through the manipulation of the expressive components of the work. One of these expressive components is the composition. One work might present a balanced harmony of line and shapes, while another an unstable arrangement of conflicting forces.

The composition also determines our position as viewers. We may be confronted directly by the image or action, or we may be removed to a comfortable vantage point. Wherever the artist has placed us, they have invested us with a point of view which affects the way we respond to the subject.

Your response to the painting is influenced by the Colors in the work. The artist chooses from the almost infinite variety of colors in nature to calculate an effect or harmony, energy, mystery, violence, or any of the other abstractions they wish to express.

The psychological effect on us of the colors as they are arranged by the artist is heightened by the texture of the paint. The surface of the picture not only excites our tactile sense, but it also records the process of the artist's work, their physical activity in applying the paint. And we, through empathy, respond to that record of human activity. These elements, along with many others, such as scale, symbolism and setting to name only three, are combined by the artist in a single system recording a unique perception of life.

The paper should reflect your understanding of the essential character of the two paintings you are discussing and present general conclusions about the nature of their contrast.

You should support all generalizations with specific observations. Avoid simple description, however, unless you state its significance. Your overall organization should be clear and discernible to the reader, and should spell out your ideas about the two works. Finally, when you have finished writing the paper go back over it and correct all errors in spelling, grammar, and sentence fragments and awkward constructions. Then compose a final perfect version.


A complete paper will contain a thesis, that is a sentence or two clearly stating an argument (your informed opinion). This thesis should be clear and well thought out. A thesis will not only align your thoughts, but also provide a means of logically structuring your paper.

Attachment:- Arts.pdf

Reference no: EM131351032

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