Write a research paper on globalisation

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Reference no: EM13759445 , Length: word count:3700

Write a research paper on Globalisation.

Globalisation: How do the shifts in global production and consumption impact on workers, and does this vary for workers in developed and developing countries? What changes have occurred in the labour process and what impact does this have on the types of work available? Has commodification of work, life, leisure changed how we work, and are these shifts uniform or vary in different industries and locations? Are we working longer hours, doing more for less? How can we understand global trends to inform what could happen locally? Is informalisation the new work order? Does neoliberal globalisation determine a race to the bottom for workers conditions?

Gender and diversity: Is the future female? Will women transcend the glass ceiling, take control of boards, and run companies of the future more successfully? Do workplaces value diversity, such as, gender, race and ethnicity and abilities in the workplace? Is work life balance a myth? Will gender divisions of labour diminish while women remain responsible for child rearing? To what extent does society value difference and is the workplace just a reflection of this? Will affirmative action for disadvantaged groups still be an option?

Technology: Can technology save us from labour intensive tasks? Will technology enable work to be performed in different ways, in a variety of contexts and what will this mean for workers, organisations and society? Will new technologies increase surveillance and control or provide flexibility and choice to workers? Can technology be applied to improve production methods, service delivery, and workers lives? Will future technology reduce inequality and injustice or reflect existing patterns? Can technological innovation create new greener jobs that will enhance society survival, economically, environmentally and politically?

Labour force design: Does flexible and productive workplace initiatives offer workers a choice or managers more control? Does management innovation create more flexible practices and who benefits? Will unions be involved in future representation of workers and what kind of issues will they address? How do issues such as informalisation, subcontracting, casualised work arrangements, and downsizing impact on workers and the people managing them? Does increased informalisation signal an end to employee loyalty? What does the shift from fordism to post fordism mean for labour and how widespread is this trend? Will greener jobs mean fairer work practices? What does this all mean for HR and Management policies and strategies?

Structure: Word count - for a group of 6 is approximately 6000 words.

1. Title

2. Introduction

3. Rationale

4. Literature review

5. Scenario plan

6. Future of work

7. Recommendations

8. Conclusion.

Reference no: EM13759445

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