Write a research paper on disaster recovery plan

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Reference no: EM131413238

Research Paper

Write a research paper on Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP)

Your paper is to have a title page, introduction, body with a well-developed conclusion and reference page. The paper must be from 2,000 to 2,250 words including the title page, body, and reference page.

Your paper is to have a minimum of five cited references obtained from articles found in refereed journals, articles from edited magazines published by professional organizations or societies, articles from refereed proceedings of professional conferences and/or published books.

Reference no: EM131413238

Questions Cloud

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Write a research paper on disaster recovery plan : Write a research paper on Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP). Your paper is to have a title page, introduction, body with a well-developed conclusion and reference page. The paper must be from 2,000 to 2,250 words.
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