Write a research paper examining a cultural conflict

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Reference no: EM131036691


In this homework, you are going to write a 3-5 pages research paper examining a cultural conflict that exists between two non-U.S. cultures. This paper should contain 3-5 sources all of which must be cited within the paper and included on your reference page (using APA style). The goal of this homework is to have you think critically about how and why these cultures are engaging in conflict, the influence of power within the conflict, and how you would approach these groups as a cultural mediator in the peace building process. As you select your conflict, you will start looking for academic literature that will help you support the arguments you will make within the paper itself.

Please utilize the paper formatting template available for you on Blackboard to help you correctly set up and write your paper in APA Style . This template was created using Microsoft WORD and is formatted for you according to APA Style. There is even a handful of sample APA references to help guide you.

Your paper should be written in the form of an argument that clearly answers the following questions:

What conflict have you chosen? Why?

What are your initial impressions of the economic, cultural, political, and territorial causes of the conflict?

If the conflict is one from the past, what was the final outcome? If the conflict is currently ongoing, do you see a possible ending to the conflict that will lead to peace building? If so, what? If not, why not?

Your analysis will be evaluated on the following:

Write 3 to 5 double-spaced and grammatically correct pages

Please use Grammarly or Smarthinking to make sure that your papers are grammatically correct.

Research 3 to 5 articles that are scholarly sources

If you don't know what scholarly means, please go to the library help page.

Email a librarian and he/she will be most happy to assist you.

Do not wait until the last minute.

Do not use Wikipedia or website resources.

Use APA style exclusively and well


Our library also has great information. Look under cite!

Write a clear (cogent) argument about the cultural, economic, political, and territorial causes of conflict stemming from your research

Do not write a book report.

Do not write a summary.

Write a claim, use evidence to back the claim, and draw a conclusion linking the claim and the evidence.

Your evidence comes from your research.

Your final page will focus upon your final analysis (based on your research) pertaining to the conflict's outcome (if there is one) or pertaining to some peace being reached.

Reference no: EM131036691

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