Reference no: EM131329177 , Length: 13
A 13-page research paper written in APA format, including title page, abstract, introduction, statement of problem, methodology, findings, and footnotes and references. I attached a sample paper in APA format as well as the outline. Find three articles for each of the dependent variables (nativity, political ideology, and sexual orienation) in regards to the independent variable (confidence in organized religion) and base the research paper off of that. Also, I attached the data that needs to be used and analyzed.
I. Introduction
A. Background information
1. What leads you to study this issue?
2. Why research this issue?
B. Purpose of research paper
1. Does it contribute new knowledge?
2. Does it gather and report information or facts?
3. Does the study clarify an existing problem?
4. Is the research exploratory?
5. Does the research focus on descriptive or analytical (i.e. explanatory or causal) relationships?
6. Does the study explore new methods, procedures or research techniques?
7. What do you want to show or explain?
II. Statement of Problem
A. State the problem
1. Is it stated clearly and does it make sense?
2. Does it establish what is being studied? What is not studied?
3. How important is the problem? Intrinsically? In relationship to other research on the problem?
B. Review of the literature
1. Is the study placed in a context of relevant work done by others on the problem?
2. Are different points of view on the problem presented?
3. Does the literature clarify or does it muddle the issue?
4. What are the major points of view about the problem? Are there competing schools of thought?
5. Is there a dominant perspective?
6. What perspective seems most valid?
7. What is your position? How does it differ from others' perspectives?
8. How can one criticize other research? Where is it weak? What is lacking? How will your research differ or fill in gaps?
C. Hypotheses
1. Do your ideas about the issue emerge from the literature? From previous research? From experience?
2. Are the hypotheses clearly stated?
3. Are the hypotheses predictive?
4. Can you state your ideas in terms of hypotheses? Should you?
5. State what your think you will find and why you think you will find it. What are your hunches, guesses, predictions of relationships?
D. Definitions, Assumptions, Limitations
1. Definitions
a. Do they stem from the literature? Are they your own?
b. How (if at all) do your definitions differ from others' definitions?
c. Are your definitions valid? Do they make sense?
2. Assumptions
a. Are there theoretical assumptions? Methodological assumptions?
b. What is the basis of assumptions?
c. How will assumptions affect research and analysis?
3. Limitations
a. Are the boundaries of the study established? What is it that you are examining?
b. Are uncontrollable factors identified?
c. What qualifications should be placed on the results of the study? Are they generalizable? Restricted to study population?
III. Methodology
A. Study population
1. Is there a study population?
2. What are the characteristics?
3. Is it a sample or subset of an inclusive population?
4. What is the nature of the sample? Is it a representative sample?
5. If a sample, is it random, selected, stratified, etc.?
6. Is there bias built into selection of the study population?
7. Is the study population large enough to serve as the basis of analysis?
B. Data Collection
1. What types of techniques or instruments of data collection were used? Surveys? Observations? Secondary sources? Interviews?
2. Is the method you used the best for researching the problem?
3. Are your techniques reliable? Valid?
4. Does a particular method of data collection typify the subject are within which you are working?
5. How might your method of data collection affect your interpretation or analysis of the data?
C. Data Analysis
1. How are you going to analyze, synthesize, and integrate the data?
2. How have others analyzed the same kind of data?
3. Does one particular method seem especially suitable?
IV. Findings
A. Results
1. What did you find? What do the data look like?
2. How are you going to present the data? Tables? Transcriptions? Observations?
3. Are the results reported completely and accurately?
4. Do the data relate to the problem and hypotheses?
5. Do the data support or refute the hypotheses?
B. Interpretation of findings
1. Are the interpretations and inferences drawn within the limits of the data? That is, do the data really support your interpretation?
2. What do the data mean in reference to hypotheses? What are the different possibilities of interpretation derivable from the data? Which is best and why?
3. Do the data support or refute hypotheses? If so, why? Are there any qualifications that have to be placed on the interpretations?
C. Conclusions
1. Are the results conclusive?
2. Has the stated purpose been met?
3. Are the results generalizable beyond the focus of the research?
4. Is further research necessary? Are major questions still unanswered?
5. Are there implications for action of some sort? How might one use the results?
6. How do your data and analysis differ from other research on the same issue?
7. Does the study show anything that might be significant? That is, have you concluded that your data indicate atypical, unusual, or unexpected relationships?
V. Foot notes and references
A. Presentation of details
1. Have you mentioned inadequacies in the data?
2. Have you supplied citations for all specialized information?
3. Have you clarified potential questions?
4. Have you thanked colleagues who have helped you?
B. Accuracy checks
1. Have you checked that all citations in the text are listed in the references and that all references are cited in the text?
2. Are all citations complete?
3. Are you using the preferred presentation style for references?