Write a research paper about the advantages of fcoe on san

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Reference no: EM131270789

Research paper: The advantages of FCoE on SAN: an analysis based on cost effects

Basically i would to explained the advantage ofFCoE protocol on cost reduction when building a SAN as compare to other SAN protocol

Details on the Individual Research Paper:

Your research might include speculation on where the state-of-the-art will be in the near future for one of the following technologies. Your paper could include a description of the state-of-the-art in your technology, a discussion of where the sources that you read believe the technology is heading in the near future, and a discussion of how this technology will affect the choices you would make if you were making purchase recommendations for a client. Although there is room for personal opinion in your paper, you must justify your conclusions.

1. Length and Style: The body of an analytic research paper should be at least 10 pages in length (but not more than 12 pages) and typed using the APA Guide. Student projects distill fundamental issues, discuss the various available solutions, discuss the benefits and limitations of the available solutions, and provide a new solution and justification. Student papers must state a thesis, and based on the research, attempt to prove or disprove that thesis. An adequate literature search will include a few books and journal articles (or other relevant documents). A search of Internet documentation is required. Students should develop a conclusion which synthesizes the literature in such a way as to demonstrate new knowledge.

Guidelines for the format of the paper are as follows:

• The paper should be 10 pages (2500 words) of text in length. (This minimum and maximum length should not include the title page, separate figures and tables, or the list of references);

• The paper should include a one paragraph abstract, an introduction, and a conclusion - think as if you were writing for a professional journal;

• The paper should use the APA format (double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, one inch margins, page numbers with running head in upper right corner, section titles, citations, and references in accordance with the APA standard).

• a brief description (abstract) of 200 to 300 words indicating the paper's scope (the nature and extent of your coverage)

• Careful attention should be given to source citations, proper listing of references, and the presentation of tables and graphs.

Reference no: EM131270789

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