Write a research paper about suicide

Assignment Help Term Paper
Reference no: EM131103996

Assignment Instructions: Topic: Suicide

Research Guidelines

Complete the following assignment by filling in all pertinent areas of research. You will need to utilize SPSS for this assignment. You may complete this assignment using the variables and topic which you have chosen for your Final Portfolio Project. You will then be able to follow this as a guide as well as a check-point with your instructor. It is essential that you read through all of the feedback regardless of your score. You will be required to submit an SPSS output file with this assignment for credit. However, you must copy and paste all relevant output data into this document for credit. Throughout the assignment you will see places where your tables, charts, and graphs can be placed.

You may need to go back through the document to address formatting issues that may shift as you begin to input your data. Points will be deducted for sloppiness. Please treat this as a professional outline used for a proposal. Use a different, but legible, color font for your responses.

Reference no: EM131103996

Questions Cloud

What are characteristics of the standard normal distribution : What are the characteristics of the standard normal distribution? The HR department of an organization collects data on employees' age, salary, level of education, gender, and ethnicity.
The maximum number of shares you can buy : Carson Corporation stock sells for $77 per share, and you've decided to purchase as many shares as you possibly can. You have $43,000 available to invest. What is the maximum number of shares you can buy if the initial margin is 60 percent?
Social form of wealth in capitalist societies : The first sentence of Capital says that commodities are the social form of wealth in capitalist societies. What does Marx mean by "social form of wealth"? What, by contrast, would the content of wealth be?
What will happen to the amount of apples : What will happen to the amount of apples and oranges that you choose to consume? Explain.
Write a research paper about suicide : Write a research paper about Suicide. Complete the following assignment by filling in all pertinent areas of research. You will need to utilize SPSS for this assignment. You may complete this assignment using the variables and topic.
Tools & techniques of financial planning : 1.  Rahul and Miranda want to make a lump-sum investment for their newborn's college education, and their goal is to accumulate $80,000 in 18 years. What is the amount they must invest today to reach their goal if the annual rate of return is 8%?
What impact will the substitution effect and income effect : What impact will the substitution effect and income effect have on the quantity demanded of coffee if coffee is an inferior good? Explain.
Create a main program that accept as command line parameter : Create a main program (C or C++) in Linux that will accept (as a command line parameter) a number of seconds that the main process is to run, as well as a number of work processes to be created. The function of the main program will be to create a nu..
Estimate the average number of cigarettes smoked per person : Use the regression line to estimate the average number of cigarettes smoked per person in 2001, to the nearest integer. Show some work. In what year (to the nearest year) does the regression line estimate an average number of cigarettes smoked per p..


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