Write a research paper about short story the pedestrian

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Reference no: EM131046244

Write a research paper based on short story "The Pedestrin" (1951) by Ray Bradbury.

The intrudaction

1 Begain with coat

2 Make a refrence to the coat

3 Add background information, auther, book, time...

4 Definition

5 Theses statement it will contain three narrow topics apperance actions and apptrciation

For the body paragraphs begain with coat.

Reference no: EM131046244

Questions Cloud

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Write a research paper about short story the pedestrian : Write a research paper based on short story "The Pedestrian" (1951) by Ray Bradbury. Theses statement it will contain three narrow topics apperance actions and apptrciation.
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Develop skills in the contents and compilation of wbs : Your task is to consider the overview above and write WBS, WBS dictionary and work packets using the templates that will supplied during the course.
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