Reference no: EM131295899
5 Pages research about " Microwave Technology "
My teacher asked me to do 5 pages and write about Microwave Technology The positive thing and then negative thing of this technology,,
Here is my Teacher STRUCTURE,,,
(To get better feedback or corrections for your final paper, submit the entire paper of 5 pages which includes your resources. Everything should be formatted according to the Author's Kit pdf found in the content folder.)
I took a picture an example of the Author's kit pdf so u can get the idea and do it for me
EIC/EM Expo 2007 Author's Instructions
for Papers to be presented at THE EICIEME CONFERENCE 20W. must be s an Attachment via email to papersla'! by July 15. 2007 in order to be he CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS.
To assist in the preparation of your paper the following iterns are included at this website:
I. Readme.doc
2. Recommended Abbreviations
2. Copyright Transfer
4. Proceedings Index Information Form
5. Audio Visual Requiranents Form
6. Sample Paper-Template.
NOTE: The copyright transfer is MANDATORY and must be submitted to EMCWA or your paper CANNOT - repeat - CANNOT be included in our Proceedings. Please return the Copyright Transfer Form, the AudiarVisual Requirement Form and the Proceedings Index Information Form: by FAX to 4619-435-3639 or via US Mail to EMCWA, P.O. Box 278. San Ysidro, CA 91933
EMCWA requires that manuscripts be submitted in the format shown in the example entitled SamplePaper.doc on this website. These brief instructions are provided only in case any probkius should arise in using the Sample Paper as a Template; that Sample Paper has been selected from a previous EMCWA Proceedings. An author need only depress the Insen key on the computer keyboard and type-over the material presented in Template.
Technical papers submitted to the EMCWA may be subject to formal review by the persons designated by the Technical Committee. Duc to the time constraints ivolved in the publishing process. those papers received after the deadline will not be reviewed. It is the policy of the EMCWA that all published papers must be presented at an EMCWA Conference. Statements and opinions given in papers are the expressions of the contributors for which the EMCWA assumes no responsibility. Prior publication of a paper may preclude acceptance: prior publication means that the work has been previously published, largely in the proposed form in a refereed publication or an arclival publication. An archival publication is one that provides a formal means of retrieval for published material. A condensed version of a prior publication may. at the option of the Technical Committee, be accepted by EMCWA: similarly, an expanded version of a prior publication may. at the option of the Technical Committee, be accepted for publication, if significant new material of interest to EN1CWA members is included.
Authors should ensure that the material presented in their papers is not classified nor restricted by the United States Government. Proprietary information concerning any company process or design is also to be strictly avoided. Authors should obtain the proper clearance to release any material to be submitted for publication.
There is a need to cite references when ideas and/or results that are not the author's are used. Information obtained privately in conversation or correspondence should not be quoted without the permission of the individual with whom such conversation or correspondence took place. It is also appropriate to include an acknowledgment to the source person or persons involved.
EMCIVA Proceedings will be bound into an 8.5 inch by I I inch [216 mm by 279 mml book. It is not necessary for authors to number the pages of their manuscripts:. the printer of our Proceedings will number them appropriately at the time of publication. A CDROM will also be produced for the conference. EMCWA publishes and distributes two indexes for all papers published in the Proceedings: one by Author and the other by Subject. The indexes are derived from our standardized database and meet the criteria of those of other educational societies.