Write a research paper about bully and cyberbullying

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Reference no: EM131348307

Research Paper


Annotated Bibliography

Your assignment is to prepare an annotated bibliography using APA documentation style. The assignment has two parts: the list of sources and the annotation for each source.

The list of sources must contain:

1. The subject of your research, which you must state at the top of the page.
2. Five sources of information about your subject, including:
1. At least one book
2. At least two articles from one or more databases in the Hunt Library
3. At least one scholarly article.
3. All sources correctly documented in APA style.
4. The entire references list correctly formatted in APA style.

Special note: Wikipedia is not an acceptable source for scholarly work. Do not use Wikipedia as a source for this or any academic assignment.

The annotation for each source must contain:

1. A short summary (1-3 sentences) of the information found in the source.

2. An evaluation of the source's credibility, reliability, currency, possible bias, and usefulness with respect to your topic. Refer to pages 17-23 in A Pocket Style Manual for specific tips on evaluating sources.

This assignment cannot be revised. You are expected to use A Pocket Style Manual to ensure your documentation is correct

Below is an example. The words in italics (summary and evaluation) do not need to be in your work; they are here just for the clarity of the example.

Subject: Psychic Phenomena

Cleer, I. (1994). A psychic's life. New York, NY: FlyByNight Press.

This is a humorous look at the life of a modern-day psychic who tells the future by reading Tarot cards. (summary) Since it is written by the psychic herself, it is most likely accurate, but may be biased in favor of justifying her craft. (evaluation)

Harrumph, H. H. (2000). Seeing through psychic phenomena. Paranormal Journal, 23, 312-333.

This is a scholarly examination of claims made by psychics, such as clairvoyance and ability to see the future. It is drawn from case histories over 25 years. (summary) Much of the language is difficult to read, so its usefulness may be limited.

Reference no: EM131348307

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