Write a research paper about a developing country mouritania

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Reference no: EM131057002

Write a research paper about a developing country mouritania. In the 1st part, you should mention all the indicators that made this country a poor country: please mention each indicators with numbers and analysis to be critical. each factor should be proved with numbers from the resources i will mention. the 2nd the the 3rd parts will be mentioned in the instruction. Please follow all the instructions in the paper i will upload. please do not use any resources other than the 3 i will mention. The 3 resources to get your numbers and comparison are:


Those are the 13 factors or indicators of why this country is poor( mention each one of those 13 factors of how they made this country poor and support (each) factor with numbers ) : 1-living standard of Mauritania 2-absolute poverty of Mauritania 3-income inequality 4-population 5-urbanization 6-education 7-health 8-the sectoral structure of the economy 9-invironmental degradation 10-international trade 11-external debt 12- foreign finance 13- political conditions

1 Topic

Each student will act as a policy advisor to a developing country that is categorized as a low income country. You need to sign your name in a list of countries provided by the instructor. You cannot change the country that you have chosen without the prior consent of the instructor, and only in the extreme case of lack of data for the chosen country. Using indicators from datasets, the Human Development Report and the World Development Indicators that are available in the course web page, you can assess the factors that caused this country to be underdeveloped. You need to argue that one factor in specific is more critical than the others. You need to support your argument with evidence from the data, and other information that you can gain from your background reading about your country. You also need to suggest a practical and sensible solution to this problem. Your grade will depend on how logical, consistent and convincing your arguments are.

Therefore, you can divide your paper into three parts. In the first section, you will attempt to address all the factors that caused your country to be underdeveloped, and support your argument with indicators. In this section, you have to refer to the indicators of living standards, absolute poverty, income inequality, population, urbanization, education, health, the sectoral structure of the economy, environmental degradation, international trade, external debt, foreign finance, political conditions, and any other pertinent indicators. You are required to use only the finks in the web page to get the indicators you need for your analysis. Do not use any other source of data, unless there is an indicator that you need to support and strengthen your argument, which is not available in these links. In the second section, you determine which factor amongst all other factors is the most critical. You also have to discuss why you consider this factor more important than the others. In the third section, you provide suggestions that this country can implement to solve the critical problem that you emphasized in the second section in order to get out of the poverty trap. The solutions you suggest have to be creative, but also practical and implementable.

Reference no: EM131057002

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