Reference no: EM132713233
Knowledge Assessment
1. List three (3) strategies used in end-of-life care?
2. List three (3) strategies used to promote pain relief and comfort in palliative care.
Instructions to Student
These case studies are hypothetical situations which will not require you to have access to a workplace, although your past and present workplace experiences may help with the responses you provide. You will be expected to encounter similar situations to these in future as you work in the residential care and home and community care settings.
In real life, aged care workers in both the residential care and home and community care settings will be required to deliver services using a palliative care approach, encountering problems and issues along the way. This assessment will let you demonstrate your problem solving skills in such situations.
Introduction to Case Study
For this part of the assessment, you will be taking the role of aged care worker at the Residential Care of Lotus Compassionate Care.
Lotus Compassionate Care is an organisation that provides services in disability support, home and community support, and residential care.
You can find out more about Lotus Compassionate Care by visiting their website:
Lotus Compassionate Care
(username: learner password: studyhard).
As per your role as an aged care worker, you also provide palliative care support in directly report to Rachel Allcot, the Manager at Residential Care.
Palliative care specialises in improving the quality of life of the client with a life-threatening and incurable illness. Your role in providing palliative care support includes aiming to prevent and relieve the suffering of the client from the symptoms brought about by the illness by providing medication and the care and support considering their needs, values, and preferences. Aside from the client, you will also be supporting their family, carers, and friends
This assessment contains several tasks that you need to complete based on the given scenarios. You are required to complete ALL tasks included in this case study.
You will also need to access and review the following documents found in the Assessment Files folder in your Student Portal, as reference:
• Lotus Compassionate Care Handbook (Lotus-Compassionate-Care-Handbook-v1.1.pdf)
• Lotus Compassionate Care Organisational Chart (Lotus-Organisation-Chart.pdf)
Task 1: Written Questions
1. Following Mr. Diggle's case, identify his holistic needs by completing the table below.
2. Which aspects of Mr. Diggle's case are outside the responsibility of your role as an individual support worker and will need the assistance of others?
Select two (2) that apply.
3. Consider Mr. Diggle's first week at Lotus Compassionate Care.
Write a report (50 - 150 words) to Rachel Alcott, your supervisor. In your report, advise Rachel about Mr. Diggle's changing needs which will be included in his new care plan.
Your report must include at least three (3) of Mr. Diggle's changing needs.
1. Following the changes made to Mr. Diggle's Care Plan, his dosage pain medication was increased to address his worsening pain.
In response to this, you overheard Isabelle, your co-worker, saying: "Are they even sure about increasing Mr. Diggle's dosage? He might become addicted!"
Agatha, another co-worker of yours, agreed, saying: "I think it was only Mr. Diggle who decided to increase his pain medication dosage. I think they should just leave it all to the doctor to decide what's best for him."
In the space provided below:
a. Write a short report to Rachel Allcot, referring Isabelle and Agatha's misconceptions to her.
b. Write an appropriate response to Isabelle and Agatha, addressing their misconceptions on the use of pain relieving medication.
Do not exceed 200 words for each response.
b. "Are they even sure about increasing Mr. Diggle's dosage? He might become addicted!"
Your response:
"I think it was only Mr. Diggle who decided to increase his pain medication dosage. I think they should just leave it all to the doctor to decide what's best for him."
Your response:
5. In his third week at Lotus Compassionate Care, Mr. Diggle could not eat food or take oral medication anymore.
Marcus approaches you about his concern on this. He said that even though his father refuses to take in any food, it is still wrong to not try feed him. He added that his father still needs food, otherwise he will starve.
Mr. Diggle previously instructed in his advance care directive, that when the time comes that he cannot eat or take in any fluid or medication orally; he should not want to be fed anymore, instead, he would just like to be provided with mouth care, as per his care plan, and keeping him pain free and comfortable as much as possible.
In the spaces provided:
a. Write a short report to Rachel Allcot advising her about Marcus' concern.
b. Write an appropriate response to Marcus to address his concern. Specifically indicate whether Mr. Diggle is to be fed according to Marcus' request OR Mr. Diggle's advance care directive should be followed.
Do not exceed 100 words for each response.
Task 2: Roleplay Activity 1
This part of the case study will require you demonstrate your skills in delivering services using a palliative care approach through a roleplay activity.
Palliative care specialises in improving the quality of life of the client with a life-threatening and incurable illness. For this roleplay, your role in providing palliative care support includes supporting the client's family.
This roleplay activity will be based on the following scenario:
In his third week, Mr. Diggle becomes less responsive. He cannot eat food or take oral medication anymore. He is restless at times, and he is now bedridden. He has noisy respiratory secretions.
Mr. Diggle's death is imminent. Marcus, fully aware of this, has requested that his father be taken home, if this is possible. However, Mr. Diggle refuses to be taken anywhere anymore as moving will only cause him pain and discomfort. Mr. Diggle does not have much time to live.
He also noted the following in his advance care directive:
You are to roleplay this scenario. In this roleplay activity, you will be play the role of the Mr. Diggle's carer at Lotus Compassionate Care, and you will need the help of at least three (3) volunteers (they can be your colleagues, family, or friends) to play the roles of:
• Rachel Allcot, your supervisor at Lotus Compassionate Care
• Mr. John Diggle
• Mr. Marcus Diggle
You will also need access to the following resources:
• Character briefs
• A video recording device
• An item that would signify that the roleplay is set in Lotus Compassionate Care (e.g. centre's logo on a wall, centre's name as label on an item, etc.)
Steps to Take:
1. Access the character briefs for this activity (CHC43015-Subject 6-Task 2 Roleplaying Activity). You can access this file in the Assessment Files folder in your Student Portal.
There is no specific script to be followed for this roleplaying activity, but your volunteers must follow the requirements of their roles as specified in the character briefs.
2. Locate the Video Submission Checklist in the following pages.
Review the requirements outlined in the checklist before the actual roleplay. You are required to demonstrate all the requirements listed in this form during the roleplay.
3. Meet with your volunteers. Review the task instructions, scenario, character briefs, and Video Submission Checklist requirements with them before proceeding to the roleplay.
4. Conduct your meeting. In your session, you must be able to:
• Inform John Diggle and Marcus Diggle that Mr. James Diggle has an advance care directive
• Support Mr. Diggle's family as they process the situation
• Respect and support Mr. Diggle's beliefs, preferences, and culture
5. Document your roleplaying activity through a video recording. Your video recording must not be longer than 10 minutes.
Your video submission must show that the meeting is set in Lotus Compassionate Care. Setting this location can be achieved through:
• Putting up a sign with Lotus Compassionate Care's logo,
• Putting up a sign with Lotus Compassionate Care's name, or
• Labelling items visible in the video with Lotus Compassionate Care's logo and/or name.
6. Save and submit this video recording using the following filename along with the complete workbook:
[Surname, First Name] Mr. Diggle - Roleplay 1
Task 3: Roleplay Activity 2
This part of the case study will require you demonstrate your skills in delivering services using a palliative care approach through a roleplay activity.
Palliative care specialises in improving the quality of life of the client with a life-threatening and incurable illness. For this roleplay, your role in providing palliative care support includes supporting the client and his family, as well as working with other stakeholders in carrying out the advanced care of the client.
This roleplay activity will be based on the following scenario:
Mr. Diggle's death is imminent. John and Marcus have been called to the centre as requested. Fr. Robert, a priest, has also been called. You and your supervisor accompany them in Mr. Diggle's room.
You are to roleplay this scenario. In this roleplay activity, you will be playing the role of Mr. Diggle's carer at Lotus Compassionate Care, and you will need the help of six (6) volunteers (they can be your colleagues, family, or friends) to play the roles of:
• Rachel Allcot, your supervisor at Lotus Compassionate Care
• Mr. James Diggle
• Mr. John Diggle
• Mr. Marcus Diggle
• Fr. Robert Sacks, a priest
• Dr. Oliver Atwood, a medical doctor for Lotus Compassionate Care
You will also need access to the following resources:
• Character briefs
• A video recording device
• A safe environment to conduct the roleplaying activity
• An item that would signify that the roleplay is set in Lotus Compassionate Care (e.g. centre's logo on a wall, centre's name as label on an item, etc.)
Steps to Take:
1. Access the character briefs for this activity (CHC43015-Subject 6-Task 3 Roleplaying Activity). You can find this document in the Assessment Files folder in your Student Portal.
There is no specific script to be followed for this roleplaying activity, but your volunteers must follow the requirements of their roles as specified in the character briefs.
2. Locate the Video Submission Checklist in the following pages.
Review the requirements outlined in the checklist before the actual roleplay. You are required to demonstrate all the requirements listed in this form during the roleplay.
3. Meet with your volunteers. Review the task instructions, scenario, character briefs, and Video Submission Checklist requirements with them before proceeding to the roleplay.
4. Conduct your roleplay. In your roleplay, you must be able to:
• Support Mr. Diggle and his sons
• Ensure that a priest is present for the client
• Maintain the client's dignity while providing end-of-life care
• Recognise and report signs of imminent death to your supervisor
• Maintain the client's dignity while providing care immediately after death
• Provide emotional support to the family after the client's death
• Work within your role as an individual support worker
5. Document your roleplaying activity through a video recording. Your video recording must not be longer than 30 minutes.
6. Save and submit this video recording using the following filename along with the complete workbook:
Attachment:- Subject -AWB.rar