Write a report to a regional td branch

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Reference no: EM131247222 , Length: word count:2000


Write a report to a regional TD branch outlining TD's On-Reserve Home Loan Program and recommending a specific First Nation that would be suitable for this kind of financing.

TD is an industry leader in working with First Nations and developing the kind of financing tools described in this assignment. It has drawn on decades of experience, as well as significant consultation and relationship building with First Nations, both at a senior leadership level (provincial and federal), as well as at a local level.


Write a 1,500-2,000 word report about TD's On-Reserve Home Loan Program for the management of one of the 11 TD branches listed below. Assume you work for the TD Pacific Region Head Office in Kelowna.

- Assume the local branch knows nothing about the On-Reserve Home Loan Program. Introduce the program and outline its key benefits, issues and obstacles. Refer to the documents provided by TD. Explain TD's motivation for developing and promoting this program, and why it would be beneficial for the branch. Your assessment must be fair, but persuasive, and tailored to the individuals involved. Note: the program is not especially profitable at this stage and may never be.

- Identify a specific First Nation that would be suitable for participation in this program (the one listed on the table below). Explain why the First Nation is suitable. Include a description of its current governance model, current leadership, and current housing statistics.
o Address risk, profitability, community benefit, and any other factors you think are relevant.
o You are welcome to consider alternative financing models if you wish.

- Describe a process for consultation and relationship building with the First Nation. It will be an essential part of the process and will require both time and money.
o What preparation does the TD branch need to do before it contacts this First Nation?
o What consultation needs to be done?

- Include photographs, graphs, tables or other graphics as appropriate to support your assessment. At least one of the graphics must be original (entirely created by you).

- Include a title page. At the back, include a list of resources that you've consulted.

- Include the word count on the title page (do not include the list of resources in the count) .

TD Branches and Local First Nations (chose one pair to write about)
TD Branches First Nation Near the Branch
Campbell River, 1400 Island Hwy We Wai Kum First Nation 
Cranbrook, 19248th Street Lower Kootenay First Nation
Fort St John, 10155 100th Street Fort Nelson First Nation
North Vancouver, 721 Main Street Squamish Nation
Langley, 201 8840-210th Street Kwantlen First Nation
Penticton, 2210Main Street Osoyoos Indian Band
Prince George, 400 Victoria Street Stellat'en First Nation 
Prince Rupert, 500 West 2nd Avenue Metlakatla First Nation 
Sechelt, 5500, Sunshine Coast Hwy Shishalh Nation
Port Alberni, 3008 3rd Avenue Uclulet First Nation 
Whitehorse, Yukon, 200 Main Street Taku Tlingit First Nation 
Williams Lake, BC, 101 2nd Avenue North Alexis Creek First Nation

You may not contact any First Nation directly or use its logo as this is not yet a project sanctioned by that First Nation. You must rely on information that is publicly available.

Suggested Readings
These documents are available on Connect:
- TD - On-reserve Home Loan Program Case
- TD - On-reserve Home Loan Program PowerPoint
- TD - Engaging With Aboriginal Communities Offers the Potential of Big Financial Rewards
- TD - Estimating the Size of the Aboriginal Market in Canada
- TD and Indigenous Communities in BC
- First Nations Issues Vocabulary and Resources (more resources are identified in this document)

Attachment:- Home Loan Program-PowerPoint.pdf

Reference no: EM131247222

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