Reference no: EM131960766
Assignment Description:
This assignment is also termed as Assessment Item 1. It should be completed in group of three students each. A group may select one topic from any of the following cloud computing topics:
- Security in Cloud Computing
- Interoperability in Cloud Computing
- Scalability in Cloud Computing
- Reliability in Cloud Computing
- Enterprise Adoption of Cloud Computing
- Approaches for multi-tenancy in Cloud Computing
- Privacy of Cloud Services (or Privacy of data in Cloud Computing)
- Quality of Service (QoS) of Cloud Services
The members of each group are required to research on the selected topic. You will write a report outlining your understanding, summarization of the existing approaches, and solution outline (for an outstanding issue in the chosen topic) based on the referenced literature.
Written report requirements:
(a) Your report should be written in the following format
(i) Title of the report
(ii) Student Names (along with UTS Student ID's)
(iii) Abstract (about 200-250 words)
(iv) Keywords (4-5 relevant keywords)
(v) Significance of the topic (What is the significance or the importance of the chosen topic in the context of cloud computing? Explain in detail what issues this problem is contributing to for enterprises)
(vi) Summarize the existing approaches to address the chosen topic (Based on reading the existing literature on the chosen topic, summarize and describe in your "own words" some of the solutions to the chosen topic.)
(vii) What are your findings or reflections based on reviewing the literature? (Critically reflect on the existing literature and focus on the following points: Do the current proposed solutions that you have read solve the problem completely? If they do not what, are the issues that they do not solve. Identify the outstanding issues and list them. Where possible and feasible, outline and discuss potential solution to at least one of the issues that you identified)