Reference no: EM13949966 , Length: word count:3000
BTEC HND Health and Social Care Management
Personal and Professional Development in Health and Social Care
Case Study
WLCBMS ward has a busy mixed-sex surgical ward consisting of 30 beds which deals with both male and female patients who require surgery. WLCBMS ward is based in Hillingdon Hospital London. The local demographic population consists of a mixture of people from different nationalities and religions. The major religions consist of Jews, Muslims, Sikhs and Christians which are representative of the local population.
You have been allocated a work experience program on WLCBMS ward for 8 weeks as part of your training programme you are to support nurses in carrying out care for the patients who have need of or who have undergone surgical procedures. For your first week you will be working within a team of eight staff that comprise of both nurses and health care assistants. You will work closely with the nurses. On your first day you have been allocated the role of working with Janice the nurse and Mathew the health care assistant who are responsible for the care of 8 patients. These patients are divided into two different bays. One bay has four female patients and the other bay has four male patients.
Bay 1
Mr Ahmed is a 69 year old and has had his bladder removed.
Mr Jack is 58 years old and has had surgery on his hand.
Mr Rosenberg is 72 years old and has had eye surgery.
Mr Singh is 48 years old and has had a cyst removed from his leg.
Bay 2
Mrs Davids is 80 years old and has had eye surgery.
Mrs Johnson is 62 years old and has had surgery for a broken wrist.
Mrs Khan is 79 years old and has had eye surgery.
Mrs Goldsmith is 54 years old and has had surgery on her neck.
These patients come from a different range of cultural and religious backgrounds that have a variety of needs from both a spiritual, psychological, physiological and sociological perspective.
To gain a pass grade the following criteria as shown below need to be completed
Task 1: (a) from the above case study write a report that compares personal values and principles with the principles of support for working in health and social care.
ANSWER SHOULD HAVE: Personal values: influences of eg beliefs and preferences, culture, political perspectives, interests and priorities, change over lifespan
Task 1: (b) from the above case study, assess how your personal culture and experience may influence your own role in supporting the patients of WLCBMS ward and the staff that work there.
ANSWER SHOULD HAVE; Culture and experiences: influences of eg family, ethnicity, belief, education, employment, age and gender, life events Values and principles: equal rights, diversity, confidentiality, protection from abuse and harm
Task 1: (c) From the above case study write a report that discusses how new developments and changes to personal values can impact upon the work carried out in WLCBMS ward.
ANSWER SHOULD HAVE: New developments: legislation, policies, research, priorities and targets
Change to personal values: influences of eg overcoming of tensions between personal values and principles of good practice; differences relating to values of others eg users of service, workplace organisations, other people with whom you work
To gain a merit grade the following criteria as shown below must be met
M1: Critically reflect and analyse how cultural preferences and differences may impact upon the provision of care and how these can be addressed within a health and social care setting.
To gain a pass grade the following criteria as shown below need to be completed
Task 2: (a) In your portfolio provide an assessment of your current skills, abilities and learning styles.
ANSWER SHOULD HAVE: Own abilities and learning styles: planning cycle, practical skills, interpersonal skills, application to practice, level of performance, learning experiences and preferred learning style
To gain a merit grade the following criteria as shown below must be met
M2: Select learning theories and apply these when assessing your individual learning style and analyse how these impacts upon your individual learning process.
Task 2: (b) In your portfolio devise and produce a holistic learning and development plan which consists of short, medium and long-term goals. Ensure that this is reviewed on a 6 weekly basis in order to monitor and reflect goals set.
Task 2: (c) Monitor your personal progress against the personal development plan and the skills and abilities you need to develop in accordance with the requirements of a health and social care practitioner and revise the plan every six weeks.
BOTH ANSWER SHOULD HAVE: Personal development plan: for acquiring new skills, updating practice, learning, career development; three months, one year, five years
To gain a distinction grade the following criteria as shown below must be met
D1: Write an evaluation on how your personal development plan helped you develop your skills and abilities.
Task 2: (d) Write a personal report every three months and evaluate the effectiveness of your personal development plan with regards to your own development as a health and social care practitioner.
To gain a distinction grade the following criteria as shown below must be met
D2: Write an evaluation on how you took responsibility for the management and organisation of activities required in order to enhance your own personal development.
To gain a pass grade the following criteria as shown below need to be completed
Task 3: (a) From the above case study explain the nature of different professional relationships that exist on the ward.
ANSWER SHOULD HAVE: Professional relationships: with individuals, their family and friends, team members, line managers, workers in other agencies; rights and responsibilities of users of service versus care workers and others; professional codes; trust; advocacy; empowerment
Task 3: (b) From the above case study evaluate how personally you could be effective in promoting and supporting the rights of different patients on WLCBMS ward.
ANSWER SHOULD HAVE Models of support: medical health versus social model; individual benefit versus organisational benefit
Task 3: (c) In WLCBMS ward there are issues that may arise in the daily working environment. Discuss ways in which these issues encountered in professional relationships can be resolved.
ANSWER SHOULD HAVE: Dilemmas: risk, abuse, challenging behaviour, conflict, ethics, confidentiality versus disclosure, expectations changing over time, conflicts between principles of good practice and values of others Own practice: roles eg meeting needs of users of service, provider of health and social care services, facilitator, advocate, adviser, counsellor, mentor
Barriers: miscommunication, different professional codes of practice, group cohesiveness, personalities
To gain a distinction grade the following criteria as shown below must be met
To gain a Distinction the criteria below must be met.
D3: Demonstrate lateral and creative thinking.
To gain a pass grade the following criteria as shown below need to be completed
Task 4: (a) From the above case study evaluate the effectiveness of how you can personally contribute when working with others in WLCBMS ward.
ANSWER SHOULD HAVE: Own contribution: skills, knowledge, understanding, communication information, responsibilities; models of reflection, critical reflection
Task 4: (b) Explain how the limits of your own work role impacts upon the working process with others.
Task 4: (c) Within WLCBMS ward analyse your own work role in helping to minimise barriers to effective teamwork.
Task 4: (d) When working on WLCBMS ward discuss how you can personally contribute to the overall team's effectiveness in a collective manner.